Page 21 of Jason

Dad replied, “I already got my people on it.”

Darius and I left his office. I needed to get back home to set some things up for what I needed to do next. “I can drop you off at home, Darius.”

Darius shook his head at me. “I’m coming with you, and I’ll stay with you until we find her.”

I could sense the worry and fear from him. Dawn was his baby sister, his only family. She was all he had left, and we both knew we couldn’t bear to lose her. We drove to Dawn’s place in silence, each of us concerned about what was happening to Dawn.

As soon as we walked in, the house felt lonely. My chest burned, my eyes stung, and I wanted to cry for the first time in a long time. I missed her so much, but I had to be strong for the plans I had to put in place. In the kitchen, I made sure the stove was off since I knew she was cooking before being kidnapped. I checked the stove and saw the food on the table. It was laid out all nicely and there was a piece of paper in the middle of the food. I picked it up and saw that it was a black-and-white picture. It showed a little dot with Dawn’s name at the top, saying eight weeks pregnant. Checking the date, it showed today.

My heart broke and those tears I held back all day fell from my eyes.

She was missing and pregnant with our baby.



Idon’t know how long I have been here, but he has me on a routine. When I get up, he brings in breakfast, uncuffs me, takes me to the table inside of the room, lets me eat, then takes me to the bathroom.

I didn’t want to eat at first, but all I could think about was my baby. I have to sit in this room every day all day while he talks about us as a couple and moving forward once everything dies down. I told him that we would never get back together, but he gets so angry he starts to scream and get delusional, saying I have been brainwashed to not be with him. I’m thankful he hasn’t hit me or tried anything else except talk.

Now I seem to be going crazy because I just said I was thankful for something as if I’m not a prisoner in a place I do not know by a man I wish I never met.

Today, Craig came into the room pissed. I don’t understand how he is pissed when I’m the one who is being held against my will. He slammed the tray down on the table, wasting most of the food and water, then he roughly un-cuffed me. I winced from the pain of my wrist being cuffed all night. After coming out of the bathroom, I went to the table to eat breakfast.

I was getting tired of this routine. Get up, un-cuff, bathroom, eat, listen to him talk, eat again, then wait for him to cuff me again before I go to sleep. Then wake up to do it again. I have to find a way out of here for me and my baby. I asked if he could take me outside since I haven’t been able to get sunlight. He said he had to ask someone, then he would let me know.

I was confused. Why would he have to ask someone when he was the one who kidnapped me?

I cleared my throat and asked, “Who do you have to ask?” My voice sounded weak since I rarely talked to him.

He didn’t answer me and just ate the food. I picked over the sausage egg breakfast sandwich he brought in, thinking of a way to escape. If only he would let me go outside so I can get a feel of where we are. I begged him to let me get sunlight.

He responded, “I think we can go outside a little later,” before he left me alone in the room.

“Don’t worry, baby. Mommy will get us out of here.” I hummed a lullaby, while continuing to rub my stomach. I need to be strong for my baby.

Every night, I think about Jason and how he is handling this. I hope Darius is okay; I’m his only family.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Craig came back into the room saying, “Let’s go.”

I got up so fast I almost fell back down. He led me down a hallway, past a living room, and out the front door. I had to close my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the sun. I walked off the porch and smelled the fresh air that I had missed. I noticed it looked like we were in a vacant neighborhood. All the houses were empty except this one.

I looked at Craig and saw visible marks on his face, like he had been beaten. “What day is it?”

It was a warm day and if I hadn’t been kidnapped, it would probably be a pleasant day.

He was quiet before he said, “You’ve only been here for four days. I promise I won’t let him do anything to you.”

Four days here felt like an eternity.

I was confused once again because who is this person Craig keeps talking about and why would he do anything to me?

“Craig, who are you talking about? What does he want to do to me? Why did you kidnap me?”

He looked at me and said, “I love you and wanted you to be with me forever. He came to me and asked if I wanted revenge on Jason and told me that if I did what he said, then I would have my revenge and you.”

I felt a stab in my heart when he said someone wants revenge on Jason. “Who wants revenge on Jason and why?”