Page 13 of Jason

Cole tried to tell her to be quiet, but she kept talking.

“Well, too bad for you,” I said. “Jason is already taken.”

She made her way closer to Jason. “By whom? Jason only wants me.”

I was about to stand when Jason said, “My beautiful fiancée, right here. Dawn.”

Darius gulped hard, making his Adam’s apple go up and down. He let out a little cough before straightening in his chair. I doubt the others noticed his demeanor changing. “Fiancée?”

I replied, “Yes, his fiancée.”

I could tell Darius was a little upset because he was just getting used to us dating.

But Rachel was full on livid as she screamed. “How can you guys be engaged when you just got a divorce? So, you were cheating on Craig with Jason—that’s awful. I took you for a better girl than that.” She folded her hands over her chest as she glared at me.

Darius said in an eerily tone, “Rachel, don’t ever speak to or about my sister that way. She was a good wife to that good-for-nothing ex-husband of hers. She didn’t get with Jason until after her divorce. You are an uninvited guest in my house. Both you and your sister can leave, or you can shut up and sit down.”

Rachel shut her mouth and took a seat at the other end of the table. I told Darius he didn’t have to do that. He said he knew, but couldn’t stop himself.

The rest of the dinner went off without a hitch. All the guys asked Darius how he felt about Jason breaking the one rule he had set.

“I just want my sister happy, and she seems to be happy with him.” I was happy Darius said that. It meant a lot to me.

We wanted to continue our good night, so we went to the family room after dinner. We were having a good time laughing and talking when Jason excused himself and I went to talk to Darius privately in the kitchen.

“Thank you for what you said about Jason and me,” I told him. “It means a lot to me that you feel that way. I want you to know that he hasn’t popped the question yet. He just said that to make Rachel leave him alone.”

Darius breathed a sigh of relief. “As long as you are happy with him, then I’m fine with you all being together. Just don’t rush things, okay? I don’t want you to have a repeat of what happened with Craig.”

I said, “I understand, but I do love him, Darius, and if he pops the question, I’m saying yes. But I won’t rush it, though.”

He nodded, and I went to find Jason because I’ve been away from him for a minute talking to Darius. I felt like a girl with her first crush, wanting to be around him all the time. And I know Darius needs to go entertain his guests. In the family room, I scanned the area, but I realized he was still not back—and Rachel was missing, too. I trust Jason, but I would never trust Rachel.

I walked down the hall towards the bathroom and heard, “Baby, why are you with her when you belong with me?”

“Rachel, my name is Jason, and I would appreciate it if you call me that. I have told you multiple times that I don’t want you, and I have a fiancée.”

I rounded the corner, marched up to Rachel, and said, “Leave my brother’s house and never return. Apparently, you don’t know how to leave someone else’s man alone. I told you nicely that I was his woman, and somehow, I still find you out here trying to hit on him.” I stepped closer to her face. “Don’t make me force you to leave.”

She eyed me warily as she walked away, and eventually, we heard the front door slam.

Jason grabbed me and took me to the guest room that I usually stay in at Darius’ place. He shut the door, locked it, and started kissing me. Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed my back against the bedroom door and lifted my dress while still kissing me. I heard his pants unzip, and he ripped my panties off. I gasped as he thrust into me hard and fast.

He said huskily, “That was hot. The way you told her off and claimed me. I just had to take you right quick.”

I moaned loudly, and he put his hand over my mouth. “Be quiet, babe, or they will hear us.”

I didn’t care if they heard me or not. Jason was making me feel great and hitting all the right spots. His thrusts were long and hard as he held me pinned to the door. He spread kisses down my neck that matched the pacing of his thrusts.

“Don’t stop, Jason. I’m almost there. Yes… yes, that spot right there. I’m…. coming… Yes, Jason!”

He kept his hand over my mouth, but I know I was too loud. He thrust in me some more and grunted while he released inside of me. He put me down on the floor and slowly backed away from me while smiling. My legs felt like Jello and I was glad I could lean on the door for support. We cleaned up and walked out of the room, holding hands.

We bumped into Cole, and he said, “Dawn, you have a set of lungs on you.”

I dropped my head as I felt the heat on my cheeks and hoped Darius didn’t hear us. Everyone else seemed to not notice our little escapade, and I happily made my way to Darius to tell him we were leaving, and I would talk to him later.