Page 12 of Jason

She dropped her head and whispered, “I’m not as sexually advanced as you. I only ever did anything in missionary position. I hope this doesn’t ruin our relationship.”

By the time she was done speaking, she was crying.

I felt awful and sat up to pull her on my lap. “Baby, don’t cry and don’t ever apologize for something like this. I enjoyed everything we did. I’m sorry for making you feel this way. We will continue to do whatever you are comfortable with. I love you, you know that, right?”

She nodded and whispered, “I love you too.”


I don’t know how or when it happened, but I realized I love Jason and it hurt me when I thought we weren’t going to be together because of my lack of sexual deeds. I’m sure I fell in love with him when we spent every day together while Craig was away. He never tried anything with me, and he respected my marriage, even if my ex-husband didn’t.

He was a complete gentleman for those five months. We had dinner together every night and just hung out together. I slowly opened my heart and mind to how life would be better with him. It might have taken me longer to tell him, but I know for a fact that I’m 100% in love with him.

We had been enjoying the whole day and acting like love-drunk newlyweds, even when we went on the tour. When the lady asked if we were newlyweds and Jason said something like that, I didn’t mind because it felt like we were newlyweds. I enjoyed the feeling too. I couldn’t keep my hands off him, and even when Craig called screaming, I didn’t let it mess up my mood. The things he did to me in bed were all new and I was surprised how much I liked it.

But when he started rubbing on my anus, I got so scared. I’ve never had anything other than soap and water near that area. I explained that I wasn’t ready yet, and he seemed to understand, but he completely slowed down like he didn’t enjoy sex with me anymore.

I thought that was the end of our relationship and just started to cry when I told him how I felt. I don’t know why I felt like he would leave me over something like this, but I was scared he would.

He apologized and made me feel better. I just had to tell him I love him. As soon as the words left my mouth, he kissed me so passionately. I felt all his emotions with this kiss and knew that we were in it for the long run. I could feel his manhood poking my side while I was on top of him. I thought, dang, he has good stamina. He lay me down under him and slowly entered me while keeping eye contact with me.

He kept whispering, “I love you, baby.”

I moaned, “I love you too.”

I climaxed and told him to go faster for me. He picked up his speed and started kissing me. I somehow was able to tell him to go harder, and he lifted and went harder. I screamed his name, and he released his seed inside of me. He kissed my lips while removing himself from me. Pulling me on top of him, he kissed my head while holding me.

We both fell asleep, and I woke up to my stomach growling. My face blushed and I was embarrassed as Jason said, “Guess my baby is hungry. Let’s order room service.”

We ordered pork chops and potatoes that came to the room quickly. I wrapped myself in a robe while he ate with just his boxers on. After dinner, we made love all night and went to sleep early in the morning. We had a late checkout. So after getting up, and having sex one more time in the shower, we headed home. I was completely sore, but I enjoyed this getaway.


On the drive home, I was trying to think of ways to get Jason to stay at my house instead of going back home. I hoped it wouldn’t be moving too fast, but we already established that we love each other so we should be fine, right?

We headed to Darius’s house because he wanted to have Sunday dinner with us. When we pulled into his yard, we noticed all their friend group cars there, and I hoped that they at least brought their significant others so I wouldn’t be the only lady there. We stepped inside and I was happy to see the other ladies.

We all gathered around the table and Jason made sure I sat next to him. He held my hand and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I know I was smiling from ear to ear with him whispering to me.

Darius cleared his throat and said, “I really have to get used to you all being together like this.”

I just laughed while some of their friends laughed, too. Cole’s girlfriend, who he has only been with for two months, coughed like she was upset about something. I knew she had a sister that liked Jason because he told me that she tried to hook them up once. She put a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear and flattened her thin lips before speaking in her irritating voice.

“I didn’t know you guys were an item. I invited my sister, Rachel, since I thought Dawn was getting over her divorce and you were single.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.”

Jason laughed, but Darius asked, “Who told you to invite someone to my house without me knowing?” Darius doesn’t like people to show up at his house or come uninvited without his knowledge. It’s something that he has always been a stickler about unless it’s me.

She nervously looked around the room with her black beady eyes, hoping someone would calm Darius down. “I just thought Jason would be happy to see her.”

“I’m sure you already knew he didn’t like her, and I know you all knew about Jason and me. Once my brother got upset with Jason, I’m sure he let the guys know about it, and I know the guys mentioned it to their significant others. I also know that when my brother was cool with it, he let them know and they let you all know, too.”

By this time, I was getting upset, and Jason was squeezing my hands under the table. She did this to try to be funny, and I never liked the girl.

A knock came to the door and Darius went to open it. Rachel came around the corner with a skimpy red dress on that showed her cleavage and part of her ass. Her brown hair was cut short, and she licked her lips as she stared at Jason with her brown eyes. This dinner had officially become awkward.

“Sorry I’m late guys, but I had to find the perfect outfit for Jason.”