“I didn't. Bas shot at me aimed for the head, Ray shot me in the arm, which made me lean over, and the bullet whizzed past my ear, so all good.”
“I’m worried that you think being shot by your sister and bullets whizzing past your ear is all good. Maybe you took a hit to the head. Shall I get Doc to come and check you over?”
“Dice, it's sweet that you're worried about me, but trust me when I say I'm fine. We’ve got this.”
“How can you be sure? You said it yourselves: you've had no contact with Ray, no one’s seen her. You don’t actually know if she’s okay, and what if it’s gone to shit? No one’s seen her for over two months.”
Steel clenches his fists and grinds his jaw.
“What you mean is you've not seen her.” I reach out and pull him in for a hug. “Steel, she’s fine. She’s doing everything to plan. She would deviate if she wasn't fine, and we would know something was wrong. While it's all going right, we have to believe she’s got this.”
“Three months, three weeks and five days. That’s how long it's been since I’ve seen her, nearly four fucking months. I’m trying, Dane, I really am, but I’m balancing on a knife edge, and I don’t know how long I can hold on for.”
I sigh and hug him tighter. “Just give her time, okay?”
“Fine. But please fucking shower, you smell like roadkill.”
I push him away. “Arsehole.” I head to the bathroom and dive in the shower.
The door opens after a few minutes, and Dice walks in with some clothes for me, stripping off his boxers and kicking them aside. He walks over to me, grinning. “I haven’t had you to myself in weeks.”
“Dice, it's been four days.”
He steps up to me in the shower.
“Four”—he slides his hands down my chest—“long”—he slides his hand around my dick and rests his lips against my neck, nipping at me and stroking my length in his grasp—“long”—sliding his other hand around to my arse and gripping my cheek tightly squeezing and tugging me against him— “fucking”—he licks up my neck and nips at my jaw before devouring my mouth while he pulls me to him and pumps my dick, making me groan—“Days.” My head falls to his shoulder, and he pushes me back against the shower wall.
“I know you're exhausted, so let me help.” He grins at me, sliding down my body and dropping to his knees.
My eyes flutter closed, and my head rocks back to rest against the wall as he slides his tongue down my length before opening those beautiful lips of his and sliding me between them. My hips thrust against him, and my hand reaches and scrubs into his hair, gripping tightly. He winces but groans around my dick as he reaches up with his other hand to cup my balls, and I sag against the wall as he sucks down my shaft, taking me all in as I bottom out. He groans, sending a shiver through my body as I groan back. If I were to die right now, I couldn't think of a better place to be than pulsing between his beautiful lips. Actually, thrusting between his beautiful cheeks would be so good right now. I yank my hips back, and my dick pops out of his mouth, and he gasps and sulks as I drag him up by his hair, stepping to the side and pushing him over. I slide up behind him, still with his hair in my grasp and push him further forward as he grimaces. I’m not being gentle, but right now, I need to be balls deep, and that's all I can think of.
Pushing my tip to his tight entrance, he's tense, “Let me in, babe.”
I grunt at him as he relaxes against my intrusion. I push my hips surging forward as his hands fly up to rest on the wall so I don’t smash him into it. I stop as I bottom out and groan as I give him a second to stretch to my size. He’s gasping for breath as he tries to breathe with the water hammering down on his head. I slowly pull back out before slamming into him, and I lose my god damned fucking mind. He’s like a drug, and I’m a total junkie. When I feel his arse clench around me, I’m done for. I let go of his hair and grip on tightly to his hips as I go to town, just pounding away. All I can think about is the feeling of him around me as I groan out and slam into him harder over and over again.
“Fuck, Dice!” I roar as I come in his tight hole, sagging over him and panting. I reach forward and grab his hair, pulling him up flush with my body as my dick pulses inside him, and I bite down on his shoulder before turning his head to mine and kissing him.
“You’re a fucking animal.” he murmurs into my mouth.
I grin at him. “You fucking love it!”
“I fucking love you.”
I slowly slide out of him and turn him so his back hits the wall, devouring those lips, nipping and pulling his bottom one into my mouth. “I fucking love you too.”
“He grins against me, and I slowly caress down his body and take his dick in my hand, pumping in time with my tongue in his mouth, slow and languid, taking in every shudder of his body as I hold mine against his, kissing and licking till he gasps his release over my hand, rubbing my thumb over his head. I bring it to my lips and suck it into my mouth before kissing him back. I don’t know how long we stay like that, just kissing and being with each other before there's a knock on the door.
“Dane, your phone’s going nuts out here.”
“Fuck.” I quickly shower off, throwing the towel round my waist, and storming into the living room. Picking up my phone, it’s Pa. There are missed calls and texts. “Shit.”
Calling him back, he’s frantic. “Pa, calm down, what the fuck?” I can't make head nor tail of what he's ranting about. He's lost it. “Pa!” I yell down the phone. “Calm down, I can't understand you.” He starts to talk, and I freeze. He lays everything out for me. “Shit.” he carries on. “Hades, how far along?” I’m panting and can't catch my breath as I start to panic. “Bran, my dad?”
I look round, and Steel and Dice are standing shoulder to shoulder together, just watching. “How long?” he starts getting frantic again. I turn to Steel, “Get Ares here right fucking now!” Pa’s still talking, and I cut him off. “How long before you're ready to roll?” I ask. “I don’t give a fucking shit. I said how fucking long before you’re ready to roll.” I turn as Ares pushes through the door.
“What the fuck’s going on?”