Page 2 of Reaper's Revenge

Scars getting ready for court, and she’s called her dad to move here sooner as she’s out of her depth on this one. Steel's arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow, so we need to be ready.

As I’m pacing back and forth, the door opens, and laughter rings out as Dane and Dice stroll in. I lose my fucking shit. “Did you fucking know?” I reach Dane and punch him straight in the face, knocking him back a step. Dice steps in front of him as Dane rubs at his jaw.

“What the fuck, man?” Dice spits at me as he holds me back while I try to get to Dane again.

“Ask him where fucking Ray is.”

“What the fuck, Ares? I don’t know. I’ve not been here for two days.” He rubs his jaw again, looking around the place. “What’s going on?”

I turn and stomp away as Scar gets up. “Can I talk to you guys outside?” They nod and leave. I pick up a bottle off the bar, fuck knows what it is, and launch it across the room, smashing it against the fireplace. I’m fucking livid, and right now, everyone is public enemy number one. My best friend, my brother, has just lost everything; his whole fucking world has come crashing down and for what? A fucking woman. Bitch!

Scar walks back in alone, and as I look at her, I see the strain on her face as she sadly smiles at me and goes back to the laptop.

“Dice will be back in ten minutes. I’ve asked him to trawl all the footage he can find and background search this Carlisle guy. I don’t believe for one minute Ray was having an affair with this guy.”

“You’re trying to prove her innocence? Scar, are you fucking kidding me right now?”

“Woah, wait! I’m trying to prove a lack of motive. It’s all based on this so-called affair. If I can prove they never met before the ball, it might be a chance, Ares.” She whimpers at me, and fuck, I’m tired, so she must fucking be.

“Sorry, princess. I don’t know what to do.”

“Maybe we could do with some sleep? I’ve asked Dane to keep trying Bran, Bernie and Cade.” She grimaces as she looks back at the laptop.

“Are you serious? You think I trust him?”

“Look, if you don’t trust him, it will keep him out of the way, okay?” She sounds pissy now, so I nod. I’m so fucking tired.

“Fucking hell, man.” Dice throws his arms around me. “How is he?”

“Fucking broken, Dice, how do you think? She was your best friend. Did she say anything, anything at all?”

“Nothing, man. Honestly, I’m as blindsided as everyone else. Could we be missing something?” He shrugs. “It just doesn’t sound like Ray's style. If she wanted to take us down, she could have done so more efficiently than this. She knew the guns weren’t in the old facility. She could have shown them so much.”

“Don’t, Dice! I can’t take anything else. We’ve got the feds sniffing around now. We’re on their radar, so we need to be smart.” I tap him on the shoulder. “See what you can find. The feds took all the computers in the tech room and all visible tech we had.”

“Yeah, no worries, man. They won’t find anything. It’s all deleted, stored somewhere they’ll never find it. I’m gonna go back to the apartment and sort Hades out. Does anyone know if he’s been fed or out?”

“Yeah, we’ve been making sure he's taken care of.” Scar nods.

“Even if we believe everything, she wouldn’t have left him.” Dice looks between us both, and I grimace because a few days ago, I wouldn’t have believed any of this, and now I don’t know what to think.

I think it’s fair to say that the swinging brick she often referred to as her heart wasn’t metaphorical or swinging. “Scar, come on, Let's get some sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow.” Scar nods, closes her laptop and follows me to our room.


“Mum, where's Dad and Pa?”

“Hey sweetheart, they’re at that convention upstate they should be back in… about an hour or so, why?”

“Have you seen Ray?” I breathe deep and try to sound nonchalant, but it comes out slightly panicked.

“No, she had that job on Friday, so I haven’t seen her since before then.”

“Have you heard from Dad while he’s been away? I can’t get hold of him or Pa.”

“No, in fact, I haven’t been able to either. I hoped they were just in a dead spot?”

“Mum, can you get Dad and Pa to call as soon as they get home? It's really important. And if you hear from Ray, let me know.”