My stomach heats with arousal. What is wrong with me?
Alistair and I chat for a little bit, the blush staying firmly on my cheeks throughout our conversation.
Due to one of the requirements to attend being that we had to sign an NDA we chat without revealing anything personal about ourselves. Instead, we get lost talking about a book he’s reading that I just so happened to have also read not too long ago.
I like Alistair. He’s sweet and funny. I don’t think I’ve smiled this much in a long while. Emerson doesn’t join in on our conversation, just listens, but I feel his eyes on me the whole time. He’s very distracting, and it’s hard to keep myself from looking over at him.
“Alistair, love, don’t you want to go mingle with some others before the ceremony?” Emerson interrupts our conversation.
Alistair doesn’t look away from me when he answers. “No, I’m alright.”
He called him love, does that mean they're together? “Are you lovers?” I ask before I can think better of it. Since it’s already left my mouth, I just look from Alistair to Emerson.
“Yes,” Emerson growls. “Do you have an issue with that?”
“No.” I shake my head. “Not at all. I—I was just asking.”
Alistair sighs heavily, shooting a glare at his lover. “Be nice. Do not scare Scarlett away with your stereotypical mobster attitude.”
Mobster? Is that a joke or are they really a part of the Mafia? Dread fills me with the thought that I might end up a pawn in a Mafia war if something happens with Alistair tonight and my future husband finds out.
“Hello, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?”
Everyone looks over to the stage. An attractive older gentleman with a mic in his hands addresses the room.
“Welcome, everyone, to the first Wicked Temptation Key Party. We are glad you have all decided to join us tonight for what we hope will turn into an annual event. I’m Damien, and I’ll be your MC for the night.” The room quiets as we all focus on Damien.
“A few housekeeping issues to get out of the way before we get to the real reason you’re all here. Everyone here was medically checked for any transmittable diseases and signs of pregnancy. While we’ve been given the all-clear, I still want to mention there are condoms in the bag you will be given once your key number is called. Using them or not is up to you.
Next, you all signed a waiver and an NDA to attend tonight; so as the old saying goes, what happens here stays here.” The weight of his words settles on me as I lick my lips, my nerves starting to flare up again. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea… Though one glance at Alistair, and my nerves turn to mush. I take my lip in between my teeth, flashing my gaze back at Damien as he continues.
“Lastly, in the same bag with the contraceptives, there will be some fun little toys you’re welcome to keep and a list of your partner’s hard and soft limits. These limits are to be respected at all costs. Security is posted all around the inside of the club, so if there are any issues, please reach out and it will be handled immediately.” He gazes at all of us sternly, and the severity of his words hang heavy in the air.
I didn’t even know what my limits are! I googled what I could and filled it in accordingly, so we’ll see what happens.
“Tonight is supposed to be fun, not some shit you’d see in a bad porno. So without further ado, let’s get me off the stage and see who’s playing with whom tonight, shall we?” His salacious grin spreads as the inevitable truth awaits me.
“Men who are picking keys, please line up, and when I call your name step onto the stage, where you’ll draw a keycard and I will announce the name and number of who you drew. The rest is all up to you guys. Have fun and be safe!”
“It was a pleasure meeting you.” Alistair smiles, grabbing my hand in his. He brings it up to his lips, presses a kiss to the back of my hand and winks before he and Emerson leave to join the men who are now all in line next to the stage.
This is it. I’m about to find out who I’m going to be spending my night with. And all I can do is curse myself for not talking with more of the men here tonight. Apart from Alistair and Emerson, I only talked to four others.
I watch as the first three people pick their cards, read out their numbers, and whisk away their woman of the night into the room the key card is assigned. Every time mine doesn’t get called, I grow more and more anxious.
My heart starts to race when it’s Alistair’s turn. He steps onto the stage and approaches Damien. Damien holds out the bag, and I bite my lower lip as Alistair reaches in and pulls out a card.
He looks at it and then leans into the mic that Damien holds, and with a blinding smile, he finds me in the crowd, saying, “Number one, Scarlett.”
I blink in shock. Scarlett. Are they talking about me? Maybe there’s someone else with the same name. But they said number one, that was the number on my key. What are the odds?
I have no idea, but I’m not complaining. Getting to spend the night with Alistair sends a thrill up my spine. But that means I’ll also be with Emerson, too. And he didn’t seem to like me all too much.
“Scarlett, please step forward,” Damien requests, and I realize I’ve just been staring at Alistair in shock, making the whole room wait.
Biting my lower lip, a blush stains my cheek as I slowly start to approach Alistair.
He hops off the stage with a grin so damn big, I can’t help but forget about my worry regarding Emerson.