Page 35 of Scarlett

“Scarlett, you’ve been here for what? A week. I’ve barely seen you. Where have you been hiding?” Antonio asks, taking a sip of whatever liquor he has in his glass.

I set my glass of water down after taking a sip and turned my attention to Antonio. “I’ve been in our suite settling in and doing some online shopping. Tobin didn’t let me bring anything with me, so I’ve been getting a few essentials.”

“You like our home so far?”

“Yes. Everything has been perfect so far. I’m also an avid reader, so I’ve been reading a lot while Emerson is working.” I toss him a fake smile and hope I’m convincing him that I’ve been spending money and wasting time, much like I’m guessing Bonnie does.

In reality, I’ve been researching some online classes I can take so I can still get some sort of degree. But now that I have support behind me, I need to decide what I actually want to do with my life. I’m leaning toward creative writing. I found myself drawn back to my childhood dream of writing children's books, eager to create stories that would captivate young minds.

The staff comes in and drops a crisp salad in front of each of us. I pour some vinaigrette on the lettuce as Antonio speaks. “Speaking of Tobin. He’s welcome here whenever. If you want him to visit. My home is your home after all.”

I choke on the bite of salad I just took. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you, though. Tobin was all too ready to be an empty nester. He took me in when no one else did and now he’s free of me. I’d hate to be a bother.” My stomach feels like I could hurl at any moment for the lies I’m spilling, but I don’t want Antonio or Bonnie to know anything about me. Anything that matters anyway.

“Well, don’t keep yourself cooped up for too long. There’s plenty to do in the rest of the house. There’s a library down the hall, and in the basement, there’s a pool and gym,” he informs me.

“Look at her, darling. She doesn’t exercise,” Bonnie scoffs.

The loud clattering sound echoes through the room as my fork slips from my grasp and hits my plate. “What is that supposed to mean?” I shoot her a piercing glare, my head tilting slightly to the side,

“Nothing, Scarlett. Just that I can tell you don’t exercise. In fact, it looks as if you’ve gotten bigger since the wedding. Unfortunate, really, since you’d be halfway attractive if you slimmed down.”

I wonder if Emerson would be mad if my first action as a true mafia wife was to stab his stepmother in the face with a salad fork?

“I’m in amazing shape, but thank you for the constructive criticism. Good thing Emerson gives me a workout every night. Am I right?” I’d love to scream at her that I’m pregnant and that it’s important for me to eat and exercise to keep my baby and myself healthy. But she doesn’t get to know about Bean, he or she is ours.

Emerson chokes next to me before patting his mouth with his napkin and turning to look at me.

“Scarlett, no need to bore Bonnie with tales of our bedroom activities. But just to put the conversation to rest; I’d much rather be with a woman who has curves than to have a skeleton any day. Also, I can attest that she is in shape and flexible. Why, just last night, I had her bent up like a pretzel.”

I flash Bonnie a smile and raise a brow at her. Checkmate, bitch.

“Enough. Enough,” Antonio laughs, his face as red as a cherry. “You women are so bitchy. But I called this family dinner to ask my son two very important questions.” He turns his gaze to Emerson, and I watch as my husband’s grip tightens around his fork.

“Yes, Father?”

“When will I have a grandson?” He looks at Emerson and then at me with a sinister smile.

Emerson takes another bite, chasing it with a sip of his drink. “I don’t know, father. As you just heard, we’re trying, so that’s all I can do.”

“Tobin assured me she was untouched and in perfect working condition, so I expect this to not take too long. Or we’ll be forced to find a replacement.”

A hiss leaves my lips before I can stop it. I’m ready to tell Antonio exactly where he can take his desire for a grandson, but Emerson reaches under the table and squeezes my thigh.

“You already chose one unwanted bride for me. There is no need for another. I will make sure the job gets done.”

“Fine. That’s the main reason I called this dinner, but then Bonnie said she saw DeLuca leaving the property before dinner. Is he gone for good?” Antonio and Emerson stare at each other in some sort of unspoken battle while I sit quietly and watch, my heart beating out of my chest.

Finally, Emerson breaks the silence. “I wasn’t aware that Bonnie was a fucking guard dog now. Makes sense since she sunk her talons in you like a bitch in heat.”

“Emerson,” his father snaps.


“You need to treat my wife with respect,” Antonio growls.

“Like you treated mine in the office the day we returned?”
