He raises a brow. “I see the way you’re looking at her. Stop it. We do not have time to devour my wife right now. Perhaps later, though.”
“He’s a spoilsport sometimes, isn’t he?” I wink, offering her my arm. She takes it and I pull her close, that pink on her cheeks making a perfect natural blush. “But he’s right. I was very much thinking about throwing you on his bed and burying my face between your pretty golden thighs.” She looks up at me, her big blue eyes shining bright with arousal. “Would you like that, Cupcake? To cum all over my face while screaming my name.”
“Yes,” she breathes. I have no hope for my cock to go down. I’ll be hard for this whole dinner. I can’t wait because I know the release will be oh-so sweet.
“Dinner was amazing,” Scarlett says, her head against my shoulder as we walk barefoot in the sand.
While dinner was amazing, we didn’t stay long. Emerson wouldn’t relax, his attention on the customers. He kept growling anytime someone looked our way. He was suspicious about anyone and everyone, but I think the only reason people were looking at us was because we are clearly not from around here. Or maybe they have some idea of who Emerson and I are?
We’ve been here quite a few times, but we’ve never really left the beach house apart from doing activities. Food and other things were always just delivered.
So after we ate, we left. Honestly, I don’t mind. We’re not here to explore or do a bunch of activities. If there are a few things Scarlett wants to do, we will, but otherwise this is our time with our girl; just the three of us where we don’t have to hide before we have to head back to the cold reality of our world.
“It was. Would have been better if Emerson didn’t look like he wanted to kill everyone there.” I chuckle, glancing over at the man in question. He’s hanging back a few feet. I’m not sure if he’s giving us space or watching our backs.
“I don’t trust anyone,” he mutters. “If they wanted to stare, I gave them something to fucking look at.”
Scarlett looks up at me and rolls her eyes, smiling. I chuckle and grin back.
“I saw that, Little Star. Looks like someone is begging to be punished,” Emerson growls.
Scarlett just sighs, leaning her body into mine. “We should get you back to the house. It’s been one hell of a long day.” With the time change, the day has gone on a lot longer than it should have.
“Not yet.” She detaches herself from me and walks over to where the water meets the dry sand. “It feels nice,” she hums. Emerson stands next to me, and we both watch as our girl grabs the hem of her dress, pulls it off, and tosses it onto the sand behind her.
“She’s perfect,” I tell him, not looking away. Scarlett rids herself of her panties and proceeds to walk into the water naked. The moonlight gleaming against her skin makes her look magical.
“Too perfect,” Emerson grumbles. “I can’t help but wonder if there's something more going on here?”
“What do you mean?” I look up at him, his hard eyes still on Scarlett.
“It’s all too easy. She’s nice, sweet, and sassy. She’s more than okay with our relationship, so we don’t have to hide it from her. Hell, my main job was to get married and knock up my wife. Even then, that's already been taken care of. It’s too clean. Too… perfect.”
“I think you've spent a long time knowing you were going to end up marrying a woman you know you could never love. Someone who only cares about money, power, and material items. Someone who would use you just as much as you would have used them.” I pause briefly, letting him digest my words.
“You weren’t prepared for kind, loving, and caring. For someone with an open mind. Someone who could love us. Both of us. Together. And well, the baby? I think it’s just the universe’s way of telling us she’s meant to be ours.”
He doesn't say anything else, but he doesn’t argue. I know he’s thinking over my words, making a decision of his own. I know he won’t be all in right away like I am. He’ll have his doubts, but I know he will come around, eventually.
Scarlett squeals, both of our attentions snapping over to her. She’s laughing as she stands, water rolling down her body.
We watch as she makes her way back over to us, dripping wet. The moonlight shines off the droplets rolling down over her plump breasts.
“Put the blanket out,” Emerson tells me, nodding his head toward the bag at our feet.
I smirk, knowing my man well enough. He loves sex on the beach. My cock twitches as I remember all the times we've come here together.
The cool breeze against my hot skin as he rutted into me, along with the moonlight allowing me to see that look in his eyes as he claimed me. It’s one of my favorite parts of coming here.
Only this time I know it’s not me he’s going to be fucking. And I’m okay with that.
As Emerson walks over to Scarlett, I get to work laying the blanket out.
When I look over, I see them talking for a moment, so close they are almost kissing. And then they are. Emerson’s kisses consume her, and she wraps her arms around his neck. He lifts her up, allowing her to lock her legs around his waist as he carries her over to the blanket. I take the corner, getting on my knees, my cock already stiff from gazing at her stunningly naked, wet body.
When I go to take my cock out, Emerson looks over at me with a snarl. “No,” he commands. “You are to watch as I fuck my wife. You do not get to touch yourself, you do not get to cum. You will sit on your fucking hands and do nothing as you watch. You fucked my wife before I got the chance to, on my fucking wedding day nonetheless. This is your punishment for being a greedy man.”
I whimper, biting the inside of my cheek hard. A thrill fills me as I slip my hands under my ass, sitting on them so I am not tempted to touch myself.