Page 28 of Scarlett

“About eight weeks.” I nod.

“This exam isn’t going to be as detailed as they normally are because of the circumstances. So I do suggest you see a doctor when you return from your honeymoon.”

He checks my height and weight, telling me everything is good. Then he grabs something from his bag. “Please, strip from the waist down and lay back down on the couch.”

“Absolutely fucking not.” Emerson growls. “Why the hell would she need to be fucking naked?”

I'm even wondering about that.

Poor Dr. Morgan looks like he’s going to piss himself. “S-she’s not far enough along to be able to check everything on a regular ultrasound machine, so we will have to do a transvaginal ultrasound.”

“What's that?” I ask.

He grabs a wand from the big machine he has plugged in. “I would put this inside you and move it around to get a good look.”

“Nope. Not happening.” Emerson shakes his head.

“Okay then.” The doctor nods. “Then I guess we’re done here. Make sure you take these.” He hands me a bottle of pills. “Prenatal vitamins. One every day. No drinking, smoking, or any extreme activities.”

“That's it?” Alistair asks. “We don’t get to see the baby?”

“Is that even possible with how far along I am?”

The doctor nods. “There’s not much to see, but this.” He holds up the wand again. “Is the only way to see the baby at this stage. We can also check the baby's heartbeat.”

My eyes widen as a wave of emotion hits me. “I'd be able to hear my baby?” I look over at Emerson with watery eyes. “Please. I wanna hear.”

“Me too,” says Alistair.

“I don’t want him looking at my wife’s cunt,” Emerson growls.

“I actually don’t have to see anything. You or Scarlett herself can insert it, all I would be doing is moving it around. I only need to see the screen.”

Emerson’s jaw ticks, but he doesn't immediately say no this time. Both Alistair and I hit him simultaneously with puppy dog eyes. That seems to do it because he lets out a harsh sigh. “Fine. But if you touch her, I’ll–”

“Chop off his hands. We know.” I giggle and Emerson shoots me a glare. I don’t care that I’m poking the bear, I’m too excited.

I take off out of sight to strip down bare and wrap a blanket around my waist. I lay back down on the couch and lift my knees. “Just slip this inside and guide my hand to the handle when you're done,” he tells me as he squirts some gel on the wand, but I gesture for Alistair to do it.

He nods. I gasp at the odd intrusion, but it doesn’t hurt. “Okay. It’s in.”

My attention is on the black and white screen as the wand gets moved around. I can see Emerson still glaring out of the corner of my eye, and I know Alistair hasn’t taken his eyes off the doctor's hand.

“And that's your baby.” He points to this little bean-looking spot. Both guys’ attention snaps to the screen.

“Oh my god,” I whisper.

“There really is a baby in there,” Emerson murmurs in disbelief and wonder.

“Our baby.” I feel Alistair grab my hand and squeeze.

A tear rolls down my cheek. “Okay, I wanna hear the heartbeat.”

The doctor nods, taking a few photos before telling Alistair he can remove the wand. “From the looks of it, you are correct, you’re measuring around eight weeks. Everything looks good. But again, I encourage you to go get a follow-up when you’re back home just so your doctor is up to date.”

Alistair cleans me up and I let my legs fall over his lap. We smile at each other and fuck, I’m so damn happy right now.

I wasn’t even sure something like this would be possible anytime soon. Hell, I thought I might just have to pop this baby out on my own with no help from medical professionals at all.