Page 21 of Scarlett

He sighs heavily, reaching up to grab the back of my head as he brings his forehead to mine. We close our eyes, just enjoying the closeness one last time. At least that's what he thinks. He thinks that he won’t be able to touch me again for a while. But it’s going to be a lot sooner than he thinks.

“I love you,” he hums. “No matter what. Today means nothing to me. It will always be you and me.”

My eyes sting with tears. Twenty minutes ago, it would have been tears of sorrow, for losing a piece of my love to another. But now, it’s happiness because of the piece we’ll both be gaining and what the future could hold. “I love you too.”

He leans back, kisses my forehead, and slips into the room without another word.

I take a moment, my eyes locked on the room down the hall before following after.

Emerson is at the front of the room, talking to his father as I slip into the back, trying to stay out of sight.

His father doesn’t hate me, just the things I do with his son in private. He’s afraid I’m going to run off his son's new wife and has forbidden us to be anything more after today. Well, sorry, pops, that's not going to happen. Never was.

Leaning against the wall, one foot propped up, arms crossed, I wait.

Not too long after, the music starts and everyone rises. A second later, Scarlett walks in. She’s on the arm of a man, who I’m assuming is her uncle. She looks stunning. Her dress is a little over the top, but she makes it look amazing.

I can’t see her face, her veil covering everything, and her head is cast down. A frown finds my face. I never want her to bow her head to anyone. She’s a fucking queen, and after today I’ll remind her why her head should be held high every day. She’s better than every person in this room, Emerson and myself included.

I watch as she makes it to the front. The priest starts talking and her uncle lets her go, taking a seat in the front row.

The whole time, Scarlett’s head is bowed, looking down at her feet. She speaks when asked, almost so low that I can hardly hear her.

Emerson stands tall, like the powerful man he is, but his body is also tense. He doesn’t want to get married and doesn't want to do whatever his father asks of him. But he has no choice. He knows it. I know it. But what he doesn’t know is that he was handed the perfect woman.

The time has come for Emerson to lift his bride’s veil, and my heart starts racing. She lifts her head, but her eyes are still closed.

And then she opens them, and I see the different emotions on her face as she realizes the man she is marrying is Emerson. Shock, surprise, and more shock.

Her gaze moves to travel over the crowd, and when it falls on me, a massive grin stretches across my face. I can’t help it. I’m so fucking happy right now.

Her eyes snap back to Emerson. He leans in, whispering something in her ear before pulling back and crashing his lips to hers, officially claiming his wife.

I wonder what's going through that sexy brain of his. Will he punish me for knowing it was Scarlett beforehand and not telling him? A shiver spreads through me at the thought. I hope he does.

When he pulls back from the kiss, Scarlett stares up at him in a lusty haze, and my cock thickens in my dress pants. I need her, to be inside her. And the moment we’re alone, I plan on doing just that.

They move over to sign the marriage certificate. When they’re done, they stand back at the top of the aisle. As they look out over the clapping crowd, Emerson reaches down and laces his fingers through Scarlett’s. I smile as she looks up at him in surprise, his attention still on the guests. She looks down, a small blush taking over her cheeks, then lifts her head. That's my girl. Show these people how fucking amazing you are.

They walk down the aisle together, the guests following after them. When they get to the doors, Scarlett looks over at me, and I give her a wink.

There’s no anger in her eyes, and I’m so fucking ecstatic. She smiles, a real one, and fuck, my heart soars.

Once they leave, I jog through the church, taking the back exit. They should be getting in the limo to leave.

Slipping out and down the stairs, I hook a left, jogging down the back alley. Just as I make it to the road, the limo pulls to a stop.

Em throws the door open, I slip in, slamming it shut behind me.

Scarlett sits there, still a bit shell-shocked, Emerson tense. I know a million thoughts are going through his head right now, but we'll deal with that later.

Right now, I need my Cupcake.

“Alistair,” Scarlett breathes out my name like she can't believe any of this is real.

“Hi, baby.” I grin, reaching over and pulling her in my lap, making her straddle me. She comes with a squeak of surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t come and save you. But I’m sure you can understand why.”

She nods, eyes brimming with tears, but there's a smile on her face. I’m going to go with she's happy about this. At least until after I fill her tight little pussy with my cum.