Page 16 of Scarlett

As soon as I inhale, my hand flies to my mouth. Oh God, I’m going to be sick. I bolt from my chair and run to the bathroom that’s off the kitchen, which is meant for the help, falling to my knees in front of the toilet, I empty the contents of my stomach.

“Miss Scarlett! Are you okay? Are you getting sick?” Margaret hurries into the bathroom and kneels beside me, holding my hair back as she rubs my back. “Oh, no, no, no, so close to the wedding. This is not good.”

“I’ll be fine Margaret. I think it’s nerves since I don’t know my husband, ya know? I’ve been so tired and now this. I’m just anxious since I’m getting married. I’ve felt like this all week. I swear it’s just nerves,” I reassure her. “Can I just get some soup for lunch? I’ll be better after my fitting, so I’ll have the pizza for dinner.”

“All week?” she murmurs, more to herself. “Scarlett, when was your last woman's cycle?” She raises a brow at me. “Never mind, I’ll look at my calendar.” She pulls her phone from her apron pocket and looks at what I’m assuming is her calendar.

Margaret has always gotten me my essentials, especially during my period. Tobin couldn’t be bothered with something so unclean. I’ve always been thankful, though. She’s always made sure there were pads, tampons, new underwear, Midol—anything I could want—so it’s no surprise she has kept better attention to my cycles than I have. Knowing her, it’s more to do with the efficiency of keeping things in stock, than it does anything else, but still. Her eyes widen as she looks from me to the phone and back. “Oh dear. Scarlett, tell me the truth. When you snuck out that one night, did you go see a man?”

“How did you know?” I whisper, my eyes wide as saucers. I thought I was sneaky and got out without anyone seeing me.

“I’ve been here for years. Not once has Jerry locked himself in the cleaning closet,” she laughs. “Also, I saw you sprinting across the yard like your rear end was on fire. Who do you think took the blame for locking Jerry in there?”

I giggle because it was a childish and desperate move to lock my guard in the cleaning closet so I could go to the party. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I’m lucky he didn’t report it to Tobin. But I guess I know why now.

“Why didn’t you tell on me?”

“You are like a daughter to me, baby. I can’t help you like I want to, or we’d both end up hurt or worse, but I can keep a secret.” She gives me a sympathetic look, and I flash her a small smile.

“Thank you,” I whisper, relief filling me that she won’t tell my uncle. “I did go see a man. But why does that matter?”

“Because sweet girl, you’re likely pregnant. I’d bet my last chocolate croissant on it actually,” she explains with a sympathetic look still on her face, and my stomach flips.

I lean back into the toilet bowl and dry heave. No! I can’t be! This will infuriate Tobin. I didn’t even think about pregnancy the night of the party. I was too wrapped up in taking control of my body. Fuck!

“Go lay down upstairs; I’ll run out and get you a test. But I’m telling you, child. You’re pregnant.” She stands and helps me up. I flush the toilet and wash my hands before rinsing my mouth out. Heading upstairs, fear courses through me.

I pray she’s wrong. Tobin will kill me; literally, if I’m pregnant. I don’t even know Emerson or Alistair in any real sense, since it was just one night at the party. I don’t even know their last names.

Alistair gave me his phone number. But what good would it do to text or call? No matter what, I’m arranged to be married, and I know my uncle better than anyone, there’s no getting out of it.

Lying down in my bed, I pull the blanket over myself and reminisce about that night.

The way Alistair so brutally took my virginity, how bad he felt afterward.

Emerson eating my pussy, covered in my innocence and Alistair’s cum. How he fucked me doggy style afterward as Alistair covered me in his seed.

They took such good care of me, making sure I felt good at all times, and they gave me so many orgasms. I gave them my pussy and my ass virginity and while I was sore as hell the next few days, I still have no regrets. They used my body however they saw fit, and I let them. Keyword here: I LET them.

No one told me I had to or I couldn’t. It was me in control of something for once. And while it probably wasn’t the best choice to lose both holes for the first time on the same night, you only live once. If I’m to marry some old crusty man, he more than likely won’t even know what anal is.

This is where Margaret finds me forty minutes later, lying in bed, daydreaming about that night, and horny as hell.

“I got the test,” she says breathlessly. “Jerry is back, so we need to make this quick. I’ll take the test home with me and toss it where we know it won’t be found.”

Slowly, I roll out of bed and follow her into my ensuite bathroom. She closes and locks the door behind us and turns, opening a box and handing me a package.

“What do I do?” I ask, nerves wreaking havoc on my body as I open the package with shaky hands and turn the white stick over.

“Take the cap off and pee on it. Put the cap back on, and then we wait two minutes.”

I blow out a breath, and my stomach does another flip. “Here goes nothing,” I mutter.

Taking the cap off, I set it on the counter and hold it between my legs as I pee. I flash Margaret an awkward smile because while we’re close, we’ve never been this close. Once done, I cap the test, set it on the counter, and finish my business.

“Miss Scarlett, what are you gonna do? Mister Tobin will be furious.”

“We don’t know for sure yet,” I hiss.