No one carryingyou in a sack could ever be good.
Being kidnapped was one thing.
Being mostly starved, another, once the men that’d kept me realized they needed to conserve rations after they’d accidentally destroyed the only access tunnel to their hideout cavern.
But waking up inside a web sack after my last memory was seeing some horrible spider-type creature was an entirely fresh level of hell.
“Oh my God!” I hissed, and started to fight. I was swinging like I was being carried, but that didn’t make anything any better. “Let me out!”
Whoever was carrying me did just that. I felt myself gently set down and I clawed out of the bag I’d been held in and then ran away.
Pain shot up from above my right ankle and I yelped,but I didn’t let it stop me—I had to get away. I didn’t want to be trapped again.
Then I felt streamers of webbing, lassoing around me, like I was some runaway cow.
“Noooo!” I shouted. I heard my voice echo, echo, echo, like we were in a much bigger space than the darkness made it feel like, then a light flickered on.
It blinded me at first, but when I could see—it illuminated the same spider-thing that’d originally chased me.
I jumped backwards without thinking, like anyone might—which only made his webs grow tighter.
And then I spotted his bag.
Random-ass cave monsters didn’t have military-style cargo bags.
My heart settled down a little bit from its new home in my throat. “Did my father send you?”
The creature looked confused for a moment.
But—not a creature—not literally.
Some kind of mercenary—one of my dad’s men.
“Oh my God,” I said again, sagging.
He came cautiously closer, bringing the light with him, and gesturing that I should look back. I did so, slowly, and realized I was on the precipice of a drop so deep the light couldn’t reach its bottom.
“Oh fuck,” I whispered, and heard a soft “Fuck, fuck, fuck” echo back. If I’d known I was that close to the edge, I would have peed myself. I fucking hated heights.
And no wonder the spider guy looked so freaked out—he couldn’t earn a bounty on me if I was already dead.
As if to confirm this, he made a gesture with his hands, two half-circles that created a whole one.
He wanted me in one piece.
“Me too, my dude.” I went down to my knees and crawled to safety, then wiped a hand over my face.
I mean,I assumed my father would pay some small amount of money for my corpse, if only to know for sure I’d died and that he’d have to round up someone to surrogate another heir for him—perhaps a less disappointing one this time, someone less interested in music and fashion, and more interested in science—but I was still probably worth more slightly more alive.
Even if my dad didn’t make it feel like that, most times.
“Fuck,” I said again, moving on the ground to lie on it like I was about to make a snow angel.
Cave angel?
I didn’t know.
Where the hell was I?