Page 88 of Finding Us Again

I rolled to my side, forcing myself up on my knees and the hand that wasn’t cupping my junk. Hayden’s stupid ass face was the first thing I saw. He was on his hands and knees, and his fucking ugly ass mug was nose to nose with mine.

I shoved him away from me and slowly leaned back on my heels. Katie nearly toppled us both when she crashed into me,wrapping her arms around my neck. I already couldn’t breathe, and she robbed me of the last of it.

She’s the love of your life.

That didn’t mean I wanted her that close to my cock and balls yet.

Luckily, my dad and Declan helped free me from her death grip.

“Katie girl, he’s having enough trouble breathing. Let’s not rob him of the little bit of oxygen he’s managing at the moment,” my dad laughed, then grimaced when I tried to get up and crashed back to the floor with my ass in the air.

I don’t know how long I lay there, but finally, people went back to what they were doing before Katie tried to castrate me.

When the pain had ebbed to a dull thud, I realized Katie was sitting on the floor with me. Her makeup was streaked. The black trails that ran down her face showed how she’d spent my time trying to convince my nuts to forgive me.

And her.

Mostly her.

I reminded him multiple times we liked her, and she really liked us.

When I felt like I could speak without puking, I asked her, “Why are you on the floor?”

Her face scrunched up, and I finally understood the phrase ugly crying.

“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.

Her face dropped into her hands, crying so hard she couldn’t catch her breath.

Having learned my lesson, I inched toward her. “Darlin’?”

“Can I hug you?” she mumbled.

My face lit up despite the pain that was still playing in my groin. “Absolutely. I’d like that.”

She scooted up beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me. “I’m okay. You caught me off guard.”

“I hit you! I can’t believe I did that,” she whispered solemnly.

I rearranged us so we were leaning up against the wall next to our bedroom door. “I take full credit for the nut shot. I was an idiot. We’ve trained you to fight back when grabbed from behind, and you did. I can’t fault you for that, sugar.”

I huffed a small chuckle and regretted it instantly because everything below my belt felt like it was being rearranged.


“I’m fine. I’m going to be sore for a bit. Again. It’s my own stupid fault. My only excuse is Hayden and I were rolling and when I saw you, I just wanted to make you laugh. My plan was to grab you and tickle you before tumbling the two of us in bed for some fun before dinner.”

“I miss laughing with you,” Katie said.

“Me, too, but we’re doing better, love. We found our way out of that nightmare. We will find us again, and it will be the best version of us yet.” I reassured her as I pecked her lips.

“Jackie! Katie! Y’all get down here! It’s time to eat.”

“Do you have the gifts you want stuck under the tree?” I asked her as I struggled to get to my feet.

Katie jogged into the bedroom and came back out to me. “Do you think they will…”

I interrupted her. She’d second-guessed herself enough. I dropped a kiss on her lips, apologizing for cutting her off. “I’m not sure which they or what present you’re talking about, but no matter what, they will love it.”