Page 84 of Finding Us Again

I wrapped my coat around her, pulling her back to me. I rubbed her, trying to get her body to heat up some.

“Kit Kat?” Conrad said.

Did the motherfucker not know when enough was enough? I whirled on him. “You’ve done enough damage to your daughter, both of them, and your son to last a fucking lifetime. Don’t contact her again because if you do, you won’t like what happens.”

Conrad snarled at me, his words pissing me the fuck off even more. “Goes to show what you know, boy. She came here. I didn’t contact her.”

I put myself between Conrad and Katie, explaining that all this shit was his damn fault. If he’d been man enough to stand up for himself and for Katie, mostly for Katie, we wouldn’t be in this motherfucking mess. Even though I knew I had a hand in Nina’s brand of crazy, being abandoned by a clueless father and a mother who turned to drugs, then abused in foster care, played a much bigger role. My actions probably wouldn’t have made such an impression if Nina hadn’t been abandoned, neglected, and abused.

I felt my nostrils flare as I told Conrad, “She wouldn’t be here if you could take a fucking hint and leave us all the fuck alone.”

Unable to own his shit when called on the carpet, Conrad shoved me, yelling, “You don’t get to tell me whether or not I can see or speak to my child!”

Every member of the security team swarmed the backyard. Every one of them took up positions protecting Katie and me from the police chief. Even though Hayden and Declan were holding him back, Conrad fought to get at me. I’d backed us away from him, putting a least ten feet of distance Conrad and Katie.

I hadn’t noticed Katie was on the move until she threaded her hand into mine before walking up behind Declan and Hayden. Conrad stared down at her for several seconds, still trying to get past the wall of muscle that was holding him back.

“I told you—I was going to say what I wanted to say, and then you would fuck off. I meant it. I’ve said my piece. Now, you’re dead to me. I don’t want to speak to you. I don’t want to see you. I will forget your name and your existence when I walk out the door, and I won’t ever look back.”

I didn’t think I could be any prouder of her than I was at that moment.

“Kit Kat.”

Tears rolled down the man’s face. His voice cracked with emotion.

Then she proved me wrong.

“Just stop. I’m over ignoring the crap you and Roxy have done to me. I won’t bottle up my emotions and pain anymore. I refuse to put on a happy face and repress trauma so that we can have a relationship. I am finished with you both,” Katie said.

Our babies had one amazing Mama. She was the strongest person I knew. Her parents had done a number on her, and yet she thrived in spite of it all.

Katie turned and walked away, and I followed her. I listened as Hayden told Conrad to fuck off, and then I had to fight like hell to keep from laughing when Hayden threatened him.

I guided Katie through the house, expecting to be met with a sea of faces, but the only people inside were Marcie, Olivia, Ava, and Marion. Marcie was texting furiously on her phone whilemy poor sister looked ready to blow a gasket. She didn’t deal well with criers, and Marion and Ava were wrapped around one another, and the snot and tears were flying in all directions.

I stopped in front of Marcie and Olivia and then looked back at Adam and Brock. Katie looked shell-shocked on the surface, but anger hurt, and devastation brewed underneath. I wanted her out of here, but Marion McCarty was my second mama, and I wouldn’t fucking leave her here with that fucktard.

I tilted Katie’s face up to mine. “Baby girl, I want you to go with Adam and Brock. Marcie and Olivia are going to go back to the house with you,” I told her gently.

“I’m not going back to the house,” Katie told me emphatically.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“The plan was to stop here and then head out to pick up a couple of last-minute gifts. I’m not letting that man ruin my plans. Not ever again,” she said with a bob of her head.

I chuckled, then kissed her soundly. “Alright. Well, the five of you go finish your shopping, then, and I’ll see you back at home.”

After another kiss, Katie, Olivia, and Marcie walked out the door with Declan escorting them to the car. I pulled Adam and Brock to the side. I’d divulged some info I wasn’t supposed to yet, and I needed them to keep their lips zipped until this evening.

“Take her wherever she wants, but do not say anything about what I told you in the car. You’ll ruin her surprise, and I like my nuts hanging where they are,” I whispered to them, eying all the people milling about.

They both laughed.

Brock said, “You are your uncle made over.”

I frowned. He wasn’t wrong, but mentioning Foster was a punch to the dick. I was an asshole. I knew it, and I vowed to call him to mend fences before I went to bed. The man dropped everything to take care of Katie and me. Declan, Celeste, and Heidi did as well, and I needed them to know I appreciated the sacrifices they made for us.

“Which one,” I asked.