Page 82 of Finding Us Again

Startled, I asked. “What the fuck?”

The rapid sound filled the room. It echoed off the walls. There was a louder swooshing and a softer one.

Katie giggled. I looked down at her, pulling her hand up to place a kiss on it.

Sarah said, “That’s your babies’ heartbeats.”

Instantly, panic struck. “What’s wrong with them? That’s way too fast, and one of them is louder than the other?”

Sarah chuckled. “Calm down, dad. There’s nothing wrong with them. A baby’s heartbeat is much, much faster than an adult’s. The reason one is louder than the other is because the softer one is further away from the doppler. What you’re hearing is a combination of the twins’ heartbeats and Katie’s.”

I kissed Katie on the head, turned off her ringer, and headed downstairs, shutting the door behind me. I sent her a text lettingher know where I was going as I headed to the kitchen. As I knew they would be, Evan and Anthony were waiting in the kitchen, downing coffee and Christmas cookies.

This was a yearly tradition for us for two reasons. One, we all sucked at shopping in the lead-up to the holiday, so every year, we got up early and headed out to the shops. Two, Ava and Olivia would tear a place apart looking for presents if we shopped earlier.

“Morgan called,” Anthony said as he rinsed his mug out.

“Was he able to peel himself away from Tinkerbell this morning to shop?” I laughed.

Evan chuckled, “Says the dude who was thirty minutes late getting his ass out of bed himself this morning.”

“Y’all don’t even have your shoes on, so…I win.”

Punching the two of them in the arm, I hightailed it to the garage for Katie’s SUV. I would’ve taken the truck, but we’d need the cargo space, and if she needed to go somewhere, the team would take her.

As I opened the garage door, Adam and Brock walked in the door from the backyard.

“Where are you heading?” Brock asked.

“Christmas shopping.”

Adam looked around, then back at me. “Who’s going with you?”

Realizing I hadn’t even considered taking a detail with me, I said, “The two of you.”

Brock shook his head, “Dude, I’m not going shopping today. The stores will be a madhouse, and there will be people. I don’t people well on a good day. Adam never peoples well. And it’s fucking Christmas Eve.”

Adam stared at me for a minute before saying, “Get our shit, Rocket. Otherwise, the little asshole will just sneak off without taking someone with him.”

Evan and Anthony looked back and forth between themselves, then back to the three of us before they said, “Hey! We’re going, we’re someone.”

Adam stared at the two of them before losing his shit.

He laughed so hard that I shushed him. “Fuck, dude. Keep it down. I’m trying to get out of the house without Katie so I can pick up her Christmas present.”

We’d been in every store in the mall while I waited to pick up Katie’s Christmas present. I stood outside a lingerie store, trying to ignore Evan and Anthony while they perused the racks for “secret” Christmas presents for Olivia and Ava.

Adam and Brock were standing with me. One of them kept an eye on the guys in the store, and the other scoped out the people walking around us.

Anthony and Evan came out with a bag apiece and probably several hundred dollars lighter in the wallet.

Adam said, “Even when I fucked women, I never got the appeal. Whatever lacy scraps the chick was wearing wasn’t what I wasinterested in. That shit just decorated the floor while I fucked her senseless.”

Brock laughed, “My husband, the romantic.”

“What?” Adam asked.

Brock was still cracking up when Evan said, “Wait! You fucked girls?”