Page 71 of Finding Us Again

“Liam, just read them to us. I’m sure it’s a bunch of medical jargon neither of us will understand,” I said. That rattly feeling had me shaking like a leaf again. I didn’t have the patience to read through and decipher something.

Liam sighed.“Congratulations, Jackson. You and Katie are expecting. You are the father of both of the twins.”

Both of the twins?

“Was it possible he could’ve been the father of only one of them?” I asked. That sounds like something out of a soap opera.

“It was a possibility because the twins are fraternal. Two eggs fertilized meant there was a slight chance there could’ve been two fathers,”Liam explained.

“But there’s no doubt, right? Jackson fathered both babies?” I asked again, just to be sure.

“There is no doubt,”Liam replied. You could hear the smile in his voice. His voice was light and uplifting instead of cautious and dim like it had been since that first day in his office.

I looked at Jackson, and his face was frozen. A look of relief stuck there. Although they were closed, tears trailed down from his eyes, disappearing into his beard.

“Jackson?”Liam called out.

Jackson’s eyes popped open, and he looked from me to the phone he was holding, then back to me. “Umm, Liam, we’ll call you tomorrow.” Jackson paused momentarily, then said reverently, “Thank you, Liam.”

Jackson ended the call and set me on my feet. He stood from the chair, taking my face in his hands. He tilted my chin up as he brushed his thumbs over my cheeks. I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.

“So, decision time,” he said.

I couldn’t help myself. I laughed.

“What’s so funny,” he asked.

“You. There is no choice to be made, not for me, anyway. The only reason I was even considering abortion was because I couldn’t bring myself to continue a pregnancy that would remind me of…” I trailed off.

Jackson didn’t say anything. He stood there. Stoic. Unmoving. He barely blinked.


“I need you to say it,” he said.

“Say what?”

What else can he possibly need me to say?

“I need to know what you’ve decided.”

How can he not know?

I took a deep breath. “I want our babies. I want to bring them into this world with their daddy at my side, bossing me around. I want to watch them grow into precocious toddlers, funny adolescents, snarky preteens, and moody teenagers. I want us to create a family with our babies—a family like yours, like the one I never had,” I said cautiously, worried about his reaction. We’d only been together for a few months.

“Thank fucking Jesus!” Jackson yelled, laughing as he picked me up and spun us in a circle.

“Jackson, you’re going to make me sick,” I giggled.

He held me steady. “I love you, Catherine Grace Carter.” He took my mouth with his, kissing me softly before dropping to his knees.

Oh, my God!



The look on her face as I dropped to my knees cracked me up. I planned to change Carter to Holt as soon as fucking possible, but not today. That question would come soon.