Page 55 of Finding Us Again

I tucked my chin when tears welled in my eyes. How that was what she saw and felt when all I saw was failure, weakness, and cowardice, I will never know. I dropped my head to hide the onslaught of emotion.

My dad whispered, “Ask her to dance.”

“I’ve fucked everything up.”

“You’ve only ever fucked everything up when you stop trying. Ask her to dance.”

If he knew about her safewording because I lost control or about me running when I discovered she was pregnant, and it probably wasn’t mine, he’d be singing a different tune.

Deciding to take his advice, I stood up, slapping my hand on his shoulder as I walked toward Katie. She looked so fucking beautiful. I knew she was still having trouble with her hip and shoulder at times. Especially when she had to do a lot of walking or standing, even if she couldn’t dance with me, I’d be happy to stand and hold her in my arms.

I stepped up on the platform I’d helped Morgan build earlier this past week. I watched Katie try to hide the fact she was watching me as I walked behind the table she sat at with Ava. I stretched my hand between them and offered it to Katie as I hesitantly asked, “Dance with me, darlin’?”

She nodded, taking my hand as I walked her onto the dance floor. It was filled with couples. The newlyweds were suspiciously absent, though, but Olivia and Evan were being joined by my parents, Ava and Anthony, and, oh shit! Kyle had Morgan’s oldest sister in his arms, and the two were staring at each other like they were going to go at it right there on the floor.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

I had bigger fish to fry—namely, getting my girlfriend to talk to me about the secret she was keeping and then apologizing for being an ass and taking off on her. Again.

I tucked Katie under my chin, her head resting in the hollow of my throat. She hummed along with the love songs being played by the band Charlotte had hired as we swayed back and forth for several songs.

When Anthony stepped up next to us, I wanted to punch the fucker in the damn face. I wanted everyone to go away. I had my girl in my arms, and neither of us was losing our shit. Before I could tell him to take a fucking hike, Katie stepped away from me, looking around as she did so.

“Is it time?” she asked.

Time for what?

Anthony nodded. His face pinked up as he said, “They’ve disappeared twice already. We better do this before we lose them completely.”

Katie chuckled. She pressed a kiss against my lips with her mouth still turned up in a smile. She whispered as she pulled away, “I wrote this for you, but I wanted to do something special for them, so I hope you don’t mind?”

“Not in the least, darlin’. Your music and talent were meant to be shared. I’ll just pretend the rest of these fucking assholes aren’t here,” I laughed, pulling her back for another kiss.

Reminding myself not to scare or overwhelm her, I sipped at her mouth, letting my tongue lap her upper lip before sucking slightly on her pouty lower one. Even though she moaned as she stepped into me, I reigned myself in and pulled back.

I brushed my thumb across her lip, thankful once again that she didn’t smear them with lipstick or that glossy shit. Especially that shit that made your lips feel like you’d been bee-stung.

“Come back to me. I missed you this week. I enjoyed having you in my arms again,” I whispered to her.

Katie smiled up at me, “Always.”



After Anthony and I played, we walked off the stage and headed for Jackson and Ava. Morgan and Charlotte were standing with them. When we reached them, Charlotte moved to hug me, but Anthony grabbed her instead. I sighed, grimacing at Morgan. Charlotte hugged me earlier, but I was a little raw and overwhelmed at the moment.

I mouthed to Morgan, “I’m sorry.”

He held out his hand, and I placed mine in it tentatively. He squeezed it, giving me a small smile. “It’s no problem. We understand completely. We were thinking you all would enjoy some time away from things?”

Confused, I glanced at Jackson, who was talking with Charlotte and Anthony, before looking back at Morgan. “Umm, yeah, that would be nice, but Jackson and I need to do something on Monday. So we wouldn’t be able to get away. Plus, the holidays are just a few weeks away.”

Morgan nodded, “Yeah, an early December wedding put a bit of a hitch in our honeymoon plans. We’re spending some time here on the farm and in Georgia at my mom’s until Christmas. The day after Christmas, we’re hopping on Charlotte’s yacht for an extended trip. We’d love it if you and Jackson tagged along.”

I chuckled. “I didn’t realize honeymoons were a group thing?”

Charlotte must have heard me because she giggled. “The boat has enough staterooms and crew cabins. We could go days without seeing each other if we wanted to. We know the two of you come with extras. There is room for your security team as well. I’m assuming a team of 4 and your assistant, Katie?”