Page 49 of Finding Us Again

Liam waved toward one of the chairs in front of his desk. I sat. I felt numb. My shoulders slumped forward as I hunched over. I shoved my hands between my thighs and tried to make myself as small as possible.

“Katie, why do you think you’re pregnant? Are you having symptoms?” Liam asked.

“I’ve not had a period since New York,” I mumbled as tears welled yet again.

Liam nodded. “Let’s complete some tests and go from there.”

Liam pulled a nurse in who took blood and a urine sample. When she left, I asked, “How are we keeping this quiet?”

Liam smiled and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Jane Doe.”

I chuckled even though nothing about the situation was the least bit funny. I asked how long it would take for the results, and Liam explained it typically wouldn’t take long, but the hospital had been alerted there was a large pileup on the freeway, and trauma victims were being brought in, so it could be a while.

Over an hour passed, and we still hadn’t heard anything, even though Liam tried to put a rush on things. The hospital lab was running behind due to the accident, and I was afraid my continued absence wouldn’t go unnoticed for much longer.

“Can you text me the results? I have to get out of here. I told everyone I was going to see my PT.”

“Yes. I’ll get the results sent over to you. They’re telling me that non-emergent cases might not get results until tomorrow due to the mass trauma in the ER. In the meantime, I want you to drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and try not to stress too much,” Liam instructed as he walked me to the door.

The day after I met with Liam, I sat on the bed with my laptop when Jackson went to shower. I was looking over the schedule for the awards show that was happening right after Morgan’s wedding.

I’d already gone through the itinerary several times at this point. I knew it forward and backward. It made a decent excuse to avoid conversation, though.

Jackson and I hadn’t talked much since the blowup yesterday morning, mostly because I didn’t think we knew what to say. He felt guilty for what happened, as did I, but other than apologizing, we’d not spoken. The walking on eggshells was getting old, and it had only been twenty-four hours.

So say something.

That was easier said than done, though. What was there to say? I crawled into the man’s lap, kissing him like I wanted to be taken, only to freak out on him. I knew he didn’t blame me, and I didn’t blame him. We blamed ourselves.

My computer dinged with an incoming text.


Your test results came back. Your suspicions were correct. You are pregnant. You were also right about the timeframe.

Instant panic swept through my body, choking me. It robbed me of oxygen, and my lungs felt like they’d seized up. My whole body tingled with pins and needles as the anxiety ran through me.


Are you okay?

Is he serious?


Not really. Can I come see you at the hospital?




Okay. I’ll be there soon. Do you want me to meet you in the same spot as yesterday?


Katie, what’s wrong?