Page 46 of Finding Us Again

I heard Foster clear his throat from behind me. I turned, and the team was waiting next to where I’d dropped my luggage. I turned back to the lovebirds.

“So, being with Katie and dealing with a few crazies means you get me and all of them,” I explained as I hitched my thumb over my shoulder to the team.

I introduced the team, “Morgan, Charlotte, this is Foster, Celeste, and Scott. They are part of my and Katie’s security team.”

Foster chuckled. “How are you, Charlotte?”

I gaped at him and then looked back at Charlotte, who walked forward, hugging Foster first and then Celeste.

Charlie said, “I’m doing well. My grandparents recently passed, but meeting Morgan helped soften the blow somewhat.”

“Umm, guys?” I asked, dumbfounded.

Foster tucked Charlie under his arm and said, “Charlie’s family used to use Holt for security. We’ve all done our time with her.”

Charlie punched him in the ribs before walking back over to Morgan, who looked antsy until she was back in his arms. She said, “I’m not sure I like how you put that.”

When we arrived at the farm, I sent Katie a text.


I made it to Morgan’s.


How was the flight?


Good. Long. I love the Pacific Northwest and my family, but most of my life is spent east of the Mississippi. It’d be nice not to drive for nearly a week to get to some of the races.


We’ve never talked about living arrangements.

I mean, not that we’re at that point or anything.

What the ever-loving fuck?


Sugar, where you live, I live. And we are at that point. We have been from the get.


I didn’t know if that was just necessity.


Damn straight, it’s a necessity. Not like you mean, but I believe couples should be together.


I didn’t know if that would change when the threat was gone.

If it ever is.

Jesus fucking Christ, this is a goddamn mess.