“Right, you are, Doc. How you doing, kid? How’s your girl?” Foster said as he, Declan, Hayden, Heidi, and Celeste walked into the room.
“We’re okay. For now,” I replied. He moved in to hug me as he always did, but it spooked me, so I backed away. He seemed to understand, but I could tell my reaction hurt him. He stepped back, putting one of his hands in his pocket. The other arm was in a sling, and I could see a cast peeking out of it.
Foster had been like having a second dad. He, my dad, and their brother Parker had all been Special Forces, gone more than they were ever home. They’d all been stand-ins for each other with us kids for most of our lives. Foster and I had been incredibly close. I’d gone to him over my dad for advice so many times.
Uncle Parker was great, but he was gone more than my dad and Foster since he wasn’t married. Parker volunteered for missions with clandestine agencies, taking on ops so those with a wife and kids to worry about wouldn’t have to. Not that I’d known that as a kid, but I’d come to realize it as I’d gotten older.
Dr. Cole stood up and introduced himself to everyone. “Hello, I’m Dr. Mason Cole. I’ve been treating Jackson and Katie. Since you are now here, I’m going to go ahead and transfer Katie upstairs.”
Foster looked at me and then back to the doctor.
“And what about Jackson?” Foster asked.
I shook my head at the doctor, hoping he didn’t feel free to discuss anything.
“Jackson will also be transferred upstairs. I’ve only kept them down here because the ER has a full-time security staff dedicated to the unit while the other floors share security officers,” Dr. Cole explained.
Foster nodded, and I sighed angrily. He didn’t discharge me.
“Doc, you were supposed to discharge me,” I reminded him.
Dr. Cole just smiled as he headed to the door. He turned, looked at me, then came back. He approached me with his hand extended.
“I will be up later to check on you both. Let me know if you need anything or have any problems. Your uncles both have my number.”
I took his hand. “Thank you for everything, Doc. If you hadn’t stepped up when you did, I’d probably be in jail.”
He chuckled, then patted my shoulder and left the room.
I settled back down next to Katie. At least I wouldn’t have to fight to stay with Katie. It sounded like he would be transferring us upstairs together, at the very least. It was better than nothing since he hadn’t discharged me as I asked.
I thought back and realized I’d never signed the paperwork to be discharged against medical advice. With all the shit Katie was being put through and talking with the detectives, it had just slipped my mind.
Sneaky fucker.
I laughed softly under my breath. He was a damn good doctor. A sneaky one, but still.
With the doctor gone and my mind no longer focused on him and his sneakiness, I looked at the security team. I watched as they stared at their shoes and each other to avoid looking at me or Katie. I waited, wanting them, any of them, to say something. Anything.
I looked at Foster and asked, “How are Asher and Bauer?”
My cousins, Foster’s oldest two kids, worked for my dad at the security firm. According to Asher, they also did IT shit for my grandfather at the PMC firm at Holt. When Foster shoved Katie and me into the SUV to get us away from the airfield after a bomb threat had been discovered on our private jet, Asher and Bauer had been left at the house. Where yet another bomb threat had been called in.
Foster sighed. You could see the relief on his face as he did so. “They’re okay. They’re still here. They refused to go home. So, they’ve been scouring traffic cams and security footage looking for you guys.”
Looking closer at Foster, I noticed that besides the cast and sling, he had several other injuries. “What about you? Are you okay?”
“Jackson, kiddo, I’ll be fine. What about you and Katie?” he asked.
As I started to answer, Dr. Cole returned and directed me to the wheelchair. Other than Foster, none of the team had spoken. It set me on edge. And pissed me the fuck off. I trusted themto protect Katie. To protect us both. And while I knew shit happened, the least they could do was fucking say something.
Once I was seated, Dr. Cole directed Hayden to push the chair behind the gurney while he, Marcie, and Celeste started moving Katie’s bed. Foster, Declan, and Heidi took up the front and rear to keep watch.
It wasn’t long until he got Katie and I settled in the room. As he left, Dr. Cole reminded me, “I’ll be scheduling you immediately. I’ve already started the paperwork. Do not argue. It has to be done sooner rather than later.”
I rolled my eyes but nodded when he continued to stare me down.