There was about a half a second where I could have changed my mind. I didn’t though. I couldn’t. I plunged ahead and said, “If you keep getting this close to me, I’m going to want you to be even closer, okay?”
Again, her brows arched, but I didn’t think she was surprised. Not really. A small smirk curved her lips. “How close, Callum?” She took a small step forward. Her crossed arms brushed against mine.
I breathed steadily out through my nose. “This isn’t a good idea. You’re–”
“I’m what?”
“You’re dealing with shit. I don’t want to add to it.”
I did though. I really fucking did.
And she knew it.
Ididn’t think I’d ever seen anything as noble as Callum Evans, hard as a rock, fighting so hard against touching me that the tendons in his neck were standing out and his bones were showing through the skin of his knuckles. It made me want to wrap my arms around him and hug him and tell him that he could never make anything worse. That he was too good and honest and upstanding for this world.
But that was the problem. Callum had heard my sad story and decided I was a victim, and he would never, ever take advantage. If I wanted him,I’dhave to take advantage ofhiminstead. I reached out and skimmed my fingers along his tight jaw. “What if I told you that kissing you would make me feel better?” I asked quietly. “You’d be doing me a good turn, Callum.”
He snorted again, but I could see the hunger in his eyes. “Yeah? Maybe I’ll start a charity for beautiful singers who just need love.”
My lips curved, pleased by the flattery I knew he hadn’t meant to let slip. “You think I’m beautiful?”
He rolled his green eyes toward the ceiling. “You are beautiful, Quinn. It’s just a fucking fact, like saying you have red hair.”
“Do you like my hair?” I slipped my hand down from his jaw to his shoulders. They were so tense it was like touching iron.
Callum shot me a killing look that clearly said I’d missed his point. “It’s fine.”
“You can touch it.”
In spite of himself, Callum’s rigid frame bent. His hand came up and he skimmed a lock of hair behind my ear. Then he let his hand linger there, the pad of his thumb on my cheekbone. His eyes were still shuttered with resistance, but now his gaze was on my lips, and I sensed his resolve cracking.
Before he could shore up his crumbling defenses, I slid my hands down to his chest, took the last half step forward that brought me up against him, and pressed my lips gently against his. He didn’t crack, but then, I didn’t expect him to. Not yet. Callum was made of sterner stuff than that. I let my eyelashes drift closed and just enjoyed being so close to him. So safe. I’d never been this close to a man before without feeling like a silent starter gun had gone off and now we were both in a race. Even when we had the same destination in mind, it still felt rushed.Thisfelt luxuriously leisurely. Like we had all the time in the world. Then his mouth began moving over mine, and a whirlpool of dark desire formed in my belly. I parted my lips, invited him in.
Callum groaned, and I couldn’t help smiling. “Does it still feel like a bad idea?” I whispered, moving my lips closer to his ear.
“It feels fucking amazing.” His hands locked around my waist, but it was hard to tell whether he planned to push me away or pull me closer. “You know it does.”
“I do know,” I agreed. “But?”
“But you’re supposed to be under my protection, not–” he broke off.
“Underyou?” I finished for him.
His eyes darkened to an emerald green. “Exactly.”
“Don’t infantilize me or make me a victim, Callum. I had a bad experience. That’s all.”
He tightened his grip. “I don’t see you as an infant or a victim.”
My lips were inches from his. “Then kiss me again.”
His mouth came down on mine, too gentle at first. I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our bodies were flush, the hard panes of his chest pressed against the soft curves of mine. I parted my lips, inviting him in. And when he hesitated, I pressed closer. I could feel his erection against my hip. The tension as he tried to hold himself back.
And then, finally, the breaking.