Wow, for a town that doesn’t want to enroll as patients at my clinic, they’re sure mad I wasn’t here when they needed me. “I was way up on the mountain, out of cell phone range. As soon as the clinic has enough patients to justify it, I plan to hire on a second doctor so there will always be someone available for emergencies.”
She nods. “And what about you marrying a Weston girl? One day I hear you’re dating her and the next you’re engaged? It sounds like a made-up story to me.” She narrows her eyes. “Unless she’s pregnant? Is she pregnant?”
I can’t wait until I’m old enough to get away with asking blatantly offensive questions. “She’s not pregnant. I’ve known Daisy more than five years. She’s been my best friend, but I’ve always been in love with her.” I’ve never been a good liar and I see no reason to lie to this woman. “Why wait when you knowyou’ve found the right woman?” It’s still a lie, even if I didn’t come right out and say I’m engaged to Daisy, but I’m not about to throw Gentry or Daisy under the bus, so it’ll have to do.
Her smile is slow and warm. “That’s what I’m always telling my son. He’s been with his girlfriend for almost ten years now and he still hasn’t proposed.”
“Marriage isn’t for everyone. But I’ve always wanted to have a family and there’s no better place to start one than Catalpa Creek.” Daisy would fall over if she heard me saying these things, but she’s not here and it feels good to admit the truth aloud.
She nods once, decisively. “That’s a very convincing story, Dr. Brooks. My doctor in Willow Ridge is retiring, and I was planning to see another doctor at his clinic, but I think I’d rather see you. Are you trained in gerontology?”
“I am, and I’d be thrilled for you to see me with your health needs. Thank you for stopping me. I’ve enjoyed chatting with you.”
“I’ll tell the others what you said.” She hikes her purse higher on her shoulder and nods. “You’ll likely hear from them as well. Everyone’s tired of driving all the way to Willow Ridge or Vance Vale to see a doctor, but we don’t want to change if you’re not serious about staying.”
“I don’t blame you at all. We’re having a grand opening party a week from today. We’d love for you and your friends to come by.”
“I might do that.” She shakes my hand again and continues on with her walk.
I get in my car and head straight for home, ready for an early night, hopefully with Daisy in my arms. My heart twists at the thought. Have I been lying to myself thinking I can just live in the moment with Daisy and survive her walking away if she gets her New York job back?
I sigh as I park in front of the Weston house. It’s too late to change now. I’m hooked and head-over-heels in love with Daisy. And I can hope she’ll decide to stay in Catalpa Creek, but I can’t make myself believe it. Tenth Avenue would be stupid not to re-hire her and it’s all she’s ever wanted. I can never compete with that and I won’t.
I refuse to make her choose between me and her dream.
The house is all lit up, music streaming out into the night. I hurry up the steps to get inside so I can watch the performance. Daisy just comes alive when she plays, her eyes lighting with joy. She’s beautiful all the time, but there’s something almost ethereal about her when she plays the bass.
The sisters are in the living room again, this time with Asher singing and Grant watching from the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. Daisy isn’t here.
Grant is entranced in the music but glances over at me when I cross the room to join him. “You know where Daisy is?” he asks in a low voice.
“No. I figured she’d be here.”
He nods his head toward the kitchen, and I follow him in there. “Her sisters are pretty pissed.” He turns to the fridge and opens the door. “Soda?”
He tosses me one and puts one for himself on the island counter. “They’ve tried calling and texting, but Daisy hasn’t responded.”
“Should we be worried about her?”
He shrugs. “There haven’t been any accidents reported in the last six hours and she was supposed to be at work this afternoon, right?”
I pop open my soda and take a swig, the sugar and caffeine waking me up. “That’s what she told me.” I was shocked when she texted to let me know she hadn’t been fired after all. Thefolks at Lovemore Publishing are either desperate for an editor or incredibly forgiving.
“That’s what she told us, too.” Clover walks into the kitchen, holding her hair up off her neck like she’s hot. “I canceled an aerobics class to be here tonight. I told her this is the only night this week that works for everyone.”
“That doesn’t sound like her.” A sick dread washes over me. “I’ll drive over to Lovemore and see if she’s there.”
“It’s exactly like Daisy,” Clover says, expression fierce. “She was just like this in high school. Something better always came up whenever she had plans with us.”
“She was very focused on schoolwork.” Goldy takes a seat on a stool at the island. Asher walks up behind Clover and puts an arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her temple. Dani and Honey sit on the stools next to Goldy. “I can’t imagine what could have kept her tonight and I’m worried about her. I’m supposed to go to Henry’s, but I don’t want to leave until I know she’s okay.”
“She’s fine,” Honey says calmly.
“Did she text you?” Goldy asks.
“No.” Honey gazes at the far wall like she’s seeing something that’s not there. “I just know she’s fine.”