I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. “Hold them as a bargaining chip.”
“Yes. Fernwood is having to pick up Brantley’s slack, and he’s not happy about it. Fernwood’s probably going to be calling you in a day or two to ask about the edits, but you tell him he doesn’t get them unless he gives you that promotion.”
I lean back in my chair, shocked. “I thought I was just trying to get my old job back. You think I can get the promotion?”
“You deserve that promotion, and it doesn’t matter who Brantley’s related to if he’s not getting the job done and we’re losing money. No one’s going to allow that to go on for long.”
After so many weeks feeling like I’ve lost everything, I see a glimmer of hope. It’s like I’ve been underwater, drowning, and I’ve just caught sight of the surface. “You make an excellent point, but won’t the execs expect Fernwood to cover for Brantley? You really think they’d boot him back to intern level?”
“Something’s going on here. Something big. There’s a ton of gossip and not a lot of substance, so I can’t make any promises. I’m just saying, be ready.”
“What do you think’s going on?”
“The publishing industry’s being scrutinized lately for diversity and the board and the execs have been pushing toimprove our image on that front. If I had to guess, I’d say installing Brantley in your position isn’t the first time his uncle has over-reached and his colleagues aren’t happy. Even Fernwood has let a complaint or two about the folks in charge slip, and you know he never does that.”
“Wow, okay. How soon do you think I need to have these manuscripts ready?”
“I have no idea. Just have them ready, okay? It could be tomorrow or it could be two weeks from now that you get the call and you need to be in prime bargaining position.”
“Okay. I’ll start right now.”
“Good. How are you otherwise? Are you bored out of your mind living in the middle of nowhere and editing romance?”
“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I’m so ready to get back to the city.” The words roll easily off my tongue, but they don’t feel as true as they did a few weeks ago. “How are you? What have I missed?”
She sighs heavily. “Long hours at work is all you’ve missed.” She pauses. “Wait, Martin and Sam are getting married. Sam proposed last weekend.”
“What?! That’s amazing. Congratulations to them.” Sam is Sadie’s roommate and a good friend. I’ve hung out with him and Martin for the occasional dinner and game night. “Are they already planning the wedding?”
“Of course. And it’s going to be epic. They’re also buying a place together, so I’ll be looking for a roommate. If you think you could stand livingandworking with me?”
“Of course I could. That would actually be so perfect. Assuming Fernwood gives me back my job.”
“He’s not going to give you your job back, babe. He’s going to give you that promotion. You won’t take anything less, understand?”
“Yes, ma’am. I won’t take anything less than a promotion.”
“That’s the way. Now get to work. I don’t want you to lose out because you don’t have anything to offer Fernwood.”
I send another congratulations to Sam and Martin, then say goodbye.
I should be ecstatic. Everything I want is possible again, and I won’t even have to be homeless when I move back to New York. It’s almost too good to be true.
It makes no sense that I feel more sorrow and dread than happiness. This is what I want. Whatever I’m feeling must just be fear about getting my hopes up before it’s a sure thing.
Shoving all that aside, I navigate on my laptop to the first manuscript Fernwood sent, and I get to work.
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Hey, boss.” Gentry sticks her head into my office. “I’m heading out for the day. Want me to do anything before I go?”
“No. Thank you for all your hard work, Gentry. I have a good feeling our grand opening party is going to get us enough patients to keep us in business.”
“I hope you’re right.” She doesn’t look convinced and there are dark circles under her eyes.
“Is everything okay with you? I don’t want you to worry too much about your place here. I have connections at the clinic in Vance Vale and I can put in a good word for you there if you’d like—”