“Thank you.” Daisy swipes at her eyes. “I won’t try to take any of the inheritance. I don’t deserve it since I wasn’t here the whole year.”
“Of course you will,” Goldy says, without even glancing at her sisters. “It’s yours.”
“A normal father would have just left us the money without requiring us to live here.” Dani stands and pushes back her chair. She smiles at Daisy, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “I’m really glad you’re staying.”
Honey leaps from her chair and wraps her arms around Daisy’s shoulders from behind. “I love you, Daisy. You’ll see, this is the right place for you.”
Daisy’s eyes fill as she pats Honey’s arms around her shoulders.
“Yep.” Clover stands with Asher. “It’s good you’re staying. We’ve all missed you.”
Daisy presses a hand to her mouth and swallows a sob.
“Look at her,” Goldy says, sympathetically. “She really thought we’d be upset that she’s staying.”
Goldy gets up and joins the hug. Clover and Dani do the same until they’re all squeezing each other tight, a ball of Westons.
Slowly, they disengage, revealing Daisy with red-rimmed eyes. She sniffles. “Thanks.”
One by one, Daisy’s sisters and their boyfriends leave. They try to help clean up, but Daisy insists she’s got it. They seem to sense her need to be alone and say goodbye as they go. I wonderif they have any idea how much their easy acceptance has meant to Daisy.
Daisy stares at her plate, her gaze distant, lost in thought.
I wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her against my side. The sigh she lets out is wobbly.
“I really thought they wouldn’t want me to stay, and I was dreading feeling like a burden. But they don’t seem to be pretending they want me here just to be nice.”
She looks at me, the question clear in her eyes.
“They weren’t just trying to be nice. They’re thrilled to have you here.”
She nods and looks away, but her brow is creased in worry or confusion. “I thought they’d want to know more about why I quit.”
“They’re just happy you’re staying. I think you could have told them you’ve decided to become an exotic dancer, and they’d have had no problem with it as long as it means you’re staying.”
She snorts. “I doubt that.” But she doesn’t smile. She’s still so sad. “I haven’t even spent that much time with them, and now I’m going to be working out of the house…” She shakes her head. “I don’t understand.”
“You don’t have to do anything or be anything for them to love you, Daisy, or for them to want you here.”
She turns to look at me. “Now, do you understand why no one will think I’m good enough for you?”
I’m confused for a moment, and then anger whips through me. “Your job isn’t what makes you worthy, Daisy.”
She looks down at her knees. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was so embarrassed.”
She looks up at me, tears streaking down her cheeks, and all my anger and hurt and feelings of rejection vanish. “You never have to be embarrassed with me. I’ll never judge you or think less of you. It’s not possible.”
“Not possible to think less of me than you already do?” She says the words with a teasing lilt, but there’s a heaviness beneath them that I hate.
“You’re my favorite person, Daisy. I think the world of you. And your job is only a small part of that.”
She throws up her hands. “My job, my career, is all I do, Noah. I don’t go out with friends, I work. I don’t travel and see the world, I work. I don’t even have a hobby. I’m nothing but work and without it, I’m just… I’m nothing.”
God, I hate that she could ever say those words. “You’re the favorite part of my day, of every day. I’ve gotten through some of the toughest parts of my life by thinking of you and looking forward to the next time I get to talk to you.”
She sniffles. “You’re making me cry. Stop it.” She swipes at her cheeks. “You’re my favorite person and the best part of my day.” She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. A bit awkward since we’re still sitting. “But being Noah’s best friend isn’t exactly a career.”
“It could be.” I stroke her hair, and she sits up, a smile tilting up her lips. I want to pull her back into my arms, but holding her does nothing to erase the distance between us. “Maybe you need to find some balance. Vacations are great, but they can’t be your whole life. Making fun a priority in your every day is important too.”