She nods slowly. “That makes sense, I guess. I don’t like lying, but—”
“You don’t have to. I don’t want you to. My dating life isn’t the business of anyone who calls in here. You can say that you’re not in a position to talk about my personal life and leave it at that.” I’m not sure how we’ll get the story out without her, but I won’t make Gentry lie on my behalf.
“Okay. I can do that.” She stands and heads for the door, but turns before she gets there. “I really do think you and Ellery would make a great couple. She’s one of the best people I know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Maybe I will. Once I get over losing Daisy in a few weeks.
Chapter Eight
When I walk into Lovemore Publishing for the second time, I almost step back out and close the door. Every employee, even a man who must be Winston, is sitting in the main room, gathered around a game board on the coffee table, shouting and laughing.
It’s been two days since I was here last, and I’m still not prepared for the laid-back atmosphere of the office.
Even with the noise and the crowd of new co-workers, I’d rather be here than back at the house. Noah has been on a charm attack that’s driven me to near desperation to escape. I want so badly for his flirting and his romantic gestures to be real and it hurts every time I remember they’re all for show. And the gestures that aren’t for show are part of some mission he’s got to convince me I’m date-able. Pity romance.
Joy, who’s seated on the couch, looks up and smiles when I walk in. “She’s back.”
The others, clearly amped up by whatever game they’re playing, cheer.
I can honestly say I’ve never gotten this kind of reaction at Tenth Avenue Books. I’m not sure how I feel about it. “Hi. What are you playing?”
“It’s a game based on a book we’ve published,” Joy says. “The creator sent it to us, hoping we might have a way to sell it.”
“It looks like a lot of fun.”
“It’s more fun if you’re familiar with the books it’s based on.” Delia’s smile lights her entire face and her eyes sparkle like she’s laughed so hard it brought tears to her eyes. “I’m not sure it would sell to a broader market.”
“And we have no way to mass produce them, anyway.” Lulu speaks so quietly, I have to lean in to hear her.
If Tenth Avenue Books was in this situation, they’d coordinate with a game manufacturer to get it done. But only if the book was popular enough, and they saw the potential for big returns. They certainly wouldn’t spend time playing it with employees just for the fun of it.
Joy stands. “Let’s talk, Daisy.”
I follow and sit across from her in her sunny office.
“Gloria and I are thoroughly impressed with your editing samples. What did you think of the books I suggested?”
“Honestly, I never thought I’d say this, but I love romance. I couldn’t put those books down. The authors are so talented.”
Joy’s smiled is positively radiant. “Wonderful. When can you start?”
“I can start today. I’ve got nothing going on this afternoon.”
Her eyes widen. “Really? I’m not sure Gloria’s ready to start with you, but I’ve got a pile of submissions you can go through if you’d like.”
Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it’s better than nothing. “I’d be happy to. I love discovering new authors.” I pause, my heart rate picking up so quickly it makes me nauseous. I’m not cut out to be a spy. “Just out of curiosity, do you have a list of authors who have books coming out soon with Lovemore? I’d like to know who I’ll be working with.”
A small divot appears between Joy’s brows and my stomach drops.
“I just really want to understand the company, what you’ve published, and what you’re going to publish.” I’m speaking too fast and there’s no way she’s not going to be suspicious.
But she smiles like she’s never been prouder. “Of course. I can send something to your email. We’ll need to get you set up with your own account, but that could take a couple of days. We have outside tech support.”
“I understand. That’s not a problem.”
A cheer erupts from the main room, and Joy’s smile warms. It’s clear how much she loves this place and her employees.