Page 67 of Pretend and Propose

“Why didn’t you give Daisy directions to get here that way?” Noah asks.

Lennox doesn’t appear to be at all offended by Noah’s sharp tone. “It’s not the sort of route that is easily navigated with verbal directions. The trails and the road I use aren’t on any map and they’re bisected by deer trails, a fire road, and a creek. Thecoordinates seemed the safest way to get you here. That’s how I got here the first time, too.”

“How did you even find out about this job?” I ask, fascinated. “Did someone reach out to you and you just said, ‘sure, I’ll hike to your random GPS coordinates and not expect to be ax murdered’?”

“I submitted a manuscript to Cynthia’s agent. She read my work, thought my voice was very similar to Cynthia’s, and offered me the deal of a lifetime. To have a writing job where I’m guaranteed not only to get paid, but to have my own book deal at the end is a literal dream come true. I couldn’t turn it down.”

“You’ve been promised a book deal in your own name?” I ask. “Don’t they want you to write as Cynthia for as long as possible?”

“Even if the original Cynthia had started writing in her twenties, she’d be in her sixties today. And we’ve almost reached the end of her plot idea list. I’ve got to write the final five books, the final five plot ideas, and then ‘Cynthia’ will die and I’ll be able to publish my own books as Lennox Carrington.”

“That is a good deal. You’ll probably be able to step right into the hole left by Cynthia, maybe even gain her readers as your own.”

“That’s the hope,” Lennox says. “I’d love for you to look at my books when you have time and give me some idea whether Lovemore would take them on.”

“I’d be happy to.” Now’s my moment, I can feel it. “But I have to say, I don’t think Lovemore is the best place for you.”

Her eyes widen and she frowns, her expression sharpening. “Is that right?”

“Lovemore Publishing is great, but your sales have skyrocketed since that reader video went viral and I’m not sure Lovemore can handle the press and the amount of sales you’re going to have. It would make more sense for you to be with alarger, top five publisher. And it would be so beneficial to you when you publish under your real name.”

“A big five publisher,” she says slowly, her tone ice cold. “Like Tenth Avenue Books?”

“They’d certainly be a valid option. Are you interested in them? I have contacts there and—“

Lennox’s laugh is a sharp, angry cackle. “I actually like you, Daisy. My aunt warned me, but you seemed so kind and understanding. I was sure she was wrong about you.”

“Your aunt?” My stomach drops and my vision goes dark at the edges. I’m not sure what she’s going to say, but I know it’ll be bad.

Her smile is dagger sharp. “My aunt is Gloria Mitchell.”

Noah’s hand presses against the small of my back, a promise of support, but it does little to warm the chill in my blood. “I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me.” Of course she didn’t. She set the trap and waited to see if I’d walk into it.

Like an idiot, I did.

Lennox crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s time for you to go.”

There’s nothing left for me to say. I can’t even apologize without making it worse. I knew exactly what I was doing when I came up here and there’s no excusing it.

“I’ll hike down with you and drive you back to where you’re parked,” Lennox says.

It’s more than I deserve.

Chapter Twenty


My phone vibrates madly as soon as Lennox pulls her jeep onto a paved road and starts toward town. Daisy’s been unusually quiet since breakfast, leaving me and Lennox to chat on the hike down.

I glance at Daisy in the back seat, but she’s staring out the window, clearly lost in thought. I wish I could jump back there and pull her into my arms, but she hasn’t even looked my way since Lennox revealed her aunt is the editor of Lovemore Publishing.

Daisy’s shutting me out, and I don’t know how to get her back.

My phone vibrates again and then again.

“Wow,” Lennox says. “That is one thing I don’t miss about this new gig. Did something major happen last night?”

I sigh and dig my phone out of the pack at my feet. “I’m not sure I want to know.”