We step off the rutted trail and into a clearing. Just beyond, the forest opens up to reveal we’re high on the side of the mountain, a view of the valley stretching out beyond.
The house is a work of art. It’s a two-story log cabin home with a wrap-around porch that blends into the surrounding forest. Green moss covers the roof and plants hang from every possible angle. Every bit of wood-work from the porch railings to the window casements looks hand hewn, with intricate carvings of plants and mountains and trees.
“Wow,” Noah breathes out beside me. “That is one amazing house.”
“Definitely the home of a witch who’s going to enchant us to stay here forever.”
“It wouldn’t take much enchanting. Look at that view.”
“Are we still on park land?” I ask. When we’d looked at the maps earlier, it had been unclear if the coordinates were on park land or just past it.
“Looks like it to me. I’d bet this is an inholding.”
“A what?”
“Private property that wasn’t sold to the government when the National Park was established, so it’s on land within the park, but not technically part of the park.”
I stare at the house. “Okay. Stay here. I’m going to change.”
Noah turns to me. “Change into what?”
“I can’t meet world-famous, bestselling author Cynthia Bennett in sweaty workout clothes. I’ll just go behind that bush over there.”
“You didn’t tell me I needed to bring dressy clothes.”
I wave a hand. “It’s fine. She doesn’t need to be impressed by you.”
I hurry behind the nearest bush and throw my pack on the ground.
Something long and black slithers out from under my pack and comes right at me. I squeak and back up, trying to stay calm, but the snake just keeps coming, and it is fast.
I feel like I heard somewhere never to turn my back and run from wildlife, but this snake is leaving me with no choice. I spin and race back to Noah, colliding with him and swinging around to hide behind him.
“You okay?” he asks, laughter in his voice. “See a spider?”
I point at the snake, who is now slithering at a sedate pace toward the undergrowth several feet in front of and off to theright of us. My heart is pounding and my mouth is dry, but I’m still fully able to appreciate the warmth and solidity of Noah’s body, to enjoy being wrapped around him. “It was chasing me. I swear.”
“That black rat snake?” Noah’s not bothering to hide his amusement. “He doesn’t want to chase you. He probably just wanted to go in the same direction you were going. What did you do to him?”
I clear my throat. “I dropped my pack on him.”
Noah laughs. “Poor guy. You probably scared the snake poo out of him.”
I let go of Noah and step to the side of him, eyes on the ground, to look for more snakes. I logically understand the likelihood of another snake appearing is next to nil, but emotionally, I’m certain a horde of snakes is going to pour out of the forest at any moment.
“He’s gone now,” Noah says. “You can go back and change.”
“I’m good. I’m sure Miss Bennett will understand why I’m showing up in work-out clothes.”
“Okay. Are you going to get your pack?”
“It’s fine where it is. There’s nothing all that important in it, just my cell phone, water bottle, and all my notes for this meeting.”
Noah chuckles. “I’ll grab it for you. How about that?”
“Sure, if you want to. If you think it’s—”
“What are you doing?” He glances down at his shirt, where I’m gripping it tight in one fist.