Page 53 of Pretend and Propose

“Wow.” Noah shakes his head, but he’s smiling, his brown eyes dancing with amusement. “Very convincing. There’s only one problem with your plan.”

“We’re not actually going to murder him.” Marcy rolls her eyes. “We just want to scare him to teach him a lesson.”

“Right, but he’s not a small guy. What’s stopping him from attacking you two as soon as you cut him down? What’s stopping him from following you back to your RV and beating on you? You should head on back and let me take care of him.”

“He’s not violent,” Marcy says, but she doesn’t sound sure.

“It’s just a prank.” Bridget rocks back on her heels, her mouth twisted in concern. “He knows he deserves it.”

“You left your windows open,” the naked man yells. “You were prancing around in that RV like you wanted someone to notice.”

“Oh, my god,” I say. “What is wrong with men?”

“You’re a pig, Victor,” Marcy yells. “Promise to take down those videos you posted, and we’ll consider letting you go without cutting off your balls.”

“They’ve gotten over a thousand likes and shares,” Victor hollers, tears streaming down his cheeks now.

“Guess your social media reputation means more to you than your balls,” Bridget yells.

“Fine.” Victor seems to have lost the energy to yell and he whimpers as he speaks. “Fine. I’ll take them down, okay? Just don’t post pictures of me.”

Marcy swipes her hands together. “Our work here is done.” She turns to Bridget. “I’m sick of this place. How about we hit another park before we have to be back at work?”

“Sounds good to me,” Bridget says. “We made a valiant attempt to find Bigfoot, but it’s time to move on.” She turns toNoah. “We’re going to take you up on your offer to cut him down. If you wouldn’t mind giving us time to hightail it out of here?”

“No problem,” Noah says.

Marcy and Bridget start off through the woods toward the trail.

“Hold on,” Noah says. “Where’d you leave his clothes?”

Marcy smiles back at us over her shoulder. “We burned ‘em. We left him his socks and hiking boots, which is more than he deserves.”

In the distance, thunder rumbles and a rain drop plops on my nose.

Noah sighs and pulls out his phone. “The storm’s about an hour out. It’s moving faster than predicted.”

He taps his phone against his thigh, staring at the tied-up man who’s started screaming again.

“Too bad Grant isn’t with us,” I say. “He’s probably got some procedure for scaring guys like this straight.”

Noah’s smile is slow. “That’s a great idea.”

“What is?”

But Noah’s already walking into the clearing. “I understand you’ve committed a crime, sir,” he says in a deep voice that has an odd twang to it.

“Please,” Victor blubbers. “Untie me. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Were you aware that all our campsites are outfitted with surveillance cameras?”


“They are. You’ve been accused of spying on women and taking video and pictures. Not only did you take them, but you’ve posted them online. Were you aware that’s a felony with an average prison sentence of twenty years?”

Victor doesn’t handle this news well. He sobs and begs. Honestly, it’s embarrassing to watch. I’m sorry Marcy and Bridget are missing it.

Noah removes Victor’s blindfold. “I’m going to untie you, but I am armed and I have every reason to cuff you and take you down to the station right now, so I expect you to be on your best behavior.”