This is good, I tell myself.Distraction. Distraction. Distraction.
It's been four days since Cole kissed me in his office. Four long days since he set my world and body on fire.
And four very long days since he's even spoken to me.
I've seen him slipping in and out of his office, speaking to the team leaders and going about his business. I've felt his presence, turning at the last minute to see his back walking out of the room or turning away from me. It feels like we're dancing around the edge of what’s acceptable, being pulled together like magnets.
After we kissed, I saw the conflict in his eyes, the hesitation. But I also felt the all-consuming passion when he kissed me—no, not kissed.Devoured. I've never felt anything like it in my life. Though I don’t have much experience, I have been kissed before. Andneverlike that.
Even days later, I swear I can still feel the ghost of his lips on mine.
I felt connected to Cole from the moment we met at the fair, and the kiss in his office only confirmed my feelings. My wolf recognizes his, and the potential depth of that scares and excites me.
I feel like I'm walking a tightrope at Brite Corp. I'm an intern, and I have my own aspirations. The project I'm working on has the potential to revolutionize mobile app security; I could be on the cusp of really making a difference in my field if it stands up to more rigorous testing.
I know exactly how it will look if I'm seen kissing my much older boss. Will anyone take me seriously? Plus, Cole kissed me after apparently having a wild weekend in Vegas withJonah. Did he sleep with all those women, too? Am I just being naive?
Was it regret I saw in his eyes? Or does he truly want to give me space to find my feet in the company?
Is he just unsure whether he wants me at all?
An incredulous bubble of laughter escapes my lips at the thought that someone like Cole would want someone like me. I take in the homely but slightly musty general store, the smell of firewood we sell mingling with the baked goods and cakes. My apron is still cute, but it's a world away from representing the style and glamor of Cole's world.
I stack another couple of boxes and add them to the pallet before heading behind the counter to get more items. I'm genuinely trying not to dwell on Cole, but he's infiltrated every cell in my being. I turn the music up slightly, swaying my hips as I grab as many things as I can carry in one go.
Suddenly, I hear rustling from the front of the store. I didn't hear the bell over the music, but I assume it's a customer. I don't have a hand free to turn the music down, so I rush around the counter to put the items on the pallet. I stumble around the counter, trying to balance everything while hurrying.
I come to an abrupt halt when I see who it is. Annie, Cole's daughter, skips toward me with a huge smile on her face.
I suddenly regret trying to carry so many things at once as one of the smaller boxes slides off the stack I'm holding and falls toward Annie. Luckily, it only has a couple of small buns in it, and she easily catches it, laughing.
"Are you okay?" I gasp.
"Of course," she giggles. "What are you doing?"
"I'm, uh, packing some things for our homeless charity. Let me just put these down."
I move quickly to the pallet, and it's only as I place them down and turn back to Annie that I see Cole appearing from oneof the aisles. My stomach drops as I take in his appearance. Gone is his usual suit, but he still looks incredibly smart in a cashmere navy coat and a button-down shirt that perfectly accentuates his broad shoulders and toned body. His usually immaculate hair is slightly ruffled and falls effortlessly over his forehead, making him look hotter than ever. A slight stubble adorns his chiseled jawline, adding an air of rugged masculinity to his striking features.
My heart races, and I try to compose myself, desperately hoping my cheeks aren't bright red. Annie rushes back to her father, her small hand grasping his larger one as they approach me together. Her eyes sparkle as she holds the small box out for me to take.
"Hi, Daddy! Look who's here." Annie’s voice is laced with sheer delight.
Cole's gaze shifts from his daughter to mine, and I'm momentarily lost in the depths of his piercing blue eyes. They hold a warmth and tenderness I can’t help but be drawn to. It's as if they can unravel every ounce of uncertainty within me.
"Saffy?" he asks as he takes in my outfit and surroundings. "I didn't expect to see you here."
My lips form a nervous smile, and a mixture of excitement and apprehension courses through me like an electric current. "I work here. I mean, I used to. Mrs. Roberts, the owner, her mate passed, and we're all helping out for a while, working some shifts. I'm just packing up some things for the charity collection tonight."
Cole's gaze never wavers from mine as he releases Annie's hand and steps closer. The air around us seems charged with tension, and I try not to hold my breath. My pulse quickens, and I wonder if he can tell. "Do you have time for all this?" He gestures around him, looking a little confused.
"Yes, yes, of course," I reply, not wanting him to think I'm stretched too thin. "The store's so quiet in the evening, I usually get some work done."
He looks doubtful for a moment, but then our attention turns to Annie as she starts jumping up and down on the spot. "Can I help pack the boxes, Daddy?"
The little girl looks adorable, and I love how Cole smiles at his daughter like she's the most amazing thing in the world. "I thought you wanted to get those marshmallows?" he tells her.
"I want to help Saffy, too," she replies, skipping around.