We wait with bated breath to see if it's going to work. "If this works, I'll owe you that trip to Vegas," he says, nudging me with his elbow.
"Private jet included?" I tease.
The screen flashes up with the home page, and I type in the credentials he has written on a Post-It. As his system comes to life, he hugs me, squishing me to his hard chest. "I'll work on getting that jet, Saffy. Thank you. You’re a lifesaver."
"What the fuck is going on?" A voice booms from behind us, and my heart drops as I spin around in my seat. Terrance steps to one side, revealing a furious-looking Cole standing at the door.
My mouth goes dry.
Cole's face is expressionless as he takes us in, his eyes cold and calculating. His jaw is clenched tight, and I can see the muscles in his neck ticking away. Terrance wisely steps further back as Cole strides into the room, radiating strength and authority with every step.
His presence fills the whole department with a tension that feels so thick, you could cut it. No one else speaks, and I notice a couple of people making themselves look busy, obviously hoping to stay out of whatever this is.
Cole stands with his arms crossed over his chest, looking powerful and intimidating. Wearing a tailored suit that accentuates his broad shoulders and chest while the crisp white shirt flexes over his muscles, he looks achingly handsome. His eyes are dark and intense, and they have an edge of danger to them.
I should be scared right now, but my heart just beats faster. His gaze moves to me, and I feel a shiver run through my body. He stares at Terrance and me searchingly for a few moments before speaking again, his voice just as hard and demanding as before. “Am I interrupting something?” he asks coolly, raising an eyebrow at us both.
"N-no," I stammer, standing quickly. "Terrance had a problem logging onto his system. I was just helping him."
To his credit, Terrance steps forward slightly. Cole's expression is murderous as he turns to him. "She was just helping me out," he confirms.
"My office. Now." Cole snaps.
"Both of us?" Terrance asks as Cole turns to walk away.
"No. You're not the one who's late." He walks out of the room.
I go to follow him, and Terrance grabs my arm. "I'm really sorry, Saf. Tell him it's all my fault. Okay?"
He looks genuinely concerned as I follow Cole along the hall toward his office. As we walk, the tension between us is palpable. Cole doesn't so much as look at me, his face set in a cold expression. My heart races as I try to think of something to say. I want to explain myself and tell him I'm sorry I was late, but I just wanted to help my friend. But I can't seem to find the words, and I think perhaps it's best to wait until we're in his office.
The thought of being alone with him again sends a shiver through my body, even though the silence between us is suffocating.
When we finally reach his office, he slams the door behind us, making me jump. I can't read his expression as he turns to face me, but my wolf paces at the frustration I can feel radiating off him in waves.
I really don't understand it myself, but I can't help but feel turned on by his demeanor. My body and wolf are both reacting to the intensity of his emotions.
"What were you doing with Terrance?" he demands, his voice low and dangerous.
"I was just helping him with his log-in. He locked himself out, and he..." I start to explain, but he cuts me off.
"You were late. You were supposed to be in my office ten minutes ago." He steps closer to me, his wolf burning brightly in his eyes.
"I know, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to leave Terrance stranded." My voice is barely above a whisper.
"You should have thought about that before you made me wait. I thought you were serious about this internship." He growls, his hand coming up to grip my chin and tilt my head to meet his gaze.
My breath catches in my throat as he leans closer, his lips hovering just inches from mine. I can feel the heat of his body, and I find myself closing my eyes. His presence overwhelms me, but while Terrance’s proximity made me feel crowded earlier, Cole is setting me on fire. And I know if he looks into my eyes, he'll see I'm burning for him.
My cheeks must be bright red. I open my eyes and find him staring down at me, his fingers still lightly holding my chin.
"What the hell am I going to do with you?" he whispers.
Chapter 9 - Cole
I lost it. I saw her on the security feed, with that idiot's arm practically draped around her, him leaning in to whisper in her ear. And I lost it.
I've spent all weekend thinking about her. I even jacked off in the club over a few simple texts; I'm that far gone from wanting her. My appetite is becoming insatiable. The thought of seeing her today kept me so distracted that the entire trip to Vegas was a washout.