But he was strong, and as we fought, it was clear that he was stronger than I was, at least when it came to brute strength. But I was faster. I managed to get a few solid blows in, dragging my claws across his face and biting into his shoulder. But if I didn’t end things soon, it was going to get bad.

Then, Isaac lunged at me. I darted out of the way, but his claws just managed to pull me to the ground. The giant wolf stood over me, paw on our throat as he growled triumphantly.

Instead of going for the kill, he prolonged his victory, sinking his teeth deep into my foreleg, nearly breaking the bone. My wolf snarled and writhed, trying to break free, but it was no use.

Defeated, my wolf relaxed his entire body. Isaac howled in triumph, and his fangs, already stained with my blood, went for my throat.

I moved while he was distracted, dragging my claws along his soft belly over and over again. He howled and stumbled backward, blood dripping from his stomach. He glowered at me and snarled, but I could see the fear enter his eyes. While he was still in pain, my wolf made his move, lunging forward and grasping the other wolf by the neck. My wolf’s jaws clamped down, biting into bone. Isaac yelped once, then became still.

My wolf dropped my kill to the ground, snarling as he did. We panted as we stood over the body, watching to make sure there was no more movement. Blood continued to pour out of him, and his body remained still.

A hand touched me between my shoulder blades. I spun, baring my fangs and ready to pounce on the new attacker. But it was just Jenn, looking down at me and smiling. I could smell her scent mixed with that of our unborn cub. I wanted to be annoyed. She was supposed to be out of here. She shouldn’t have stuck around. But at the same time, I wanted her here so I could be close to her, and seeing her here reassured me and my wolf that she was all right.

I licked her hand gently. When my wolf saw the bruises on her wrist, already a bright red that would soon darken to purple, he gave a throaty, angry growl.

“I know,” Jenn said, glancing down at it and frowning slightly. “I know. But it’s done. He’s gone. He’s not coming back.”

But that didn’t stop the fresh rush of anger that flooded me at the sight. He’d hurt her. He’d been about to do much worse than bruise her if I hadn’t come back when I had. Hell, if Ihadn’t come, Jenn might have been gone by now, dragged away to who knew where.

I turned back to look at the carcass and gave another low snarl. Then I shifted back. The bite on my arm hurt like the devil, and I was going to be sore for a few days at least. But it had all been worth it.

“Are you all right?” I asked Jenn, looking her over.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she said patiently. “You don’t need to worry.”

My eyes landed on the red marks on her neck. Even though the culprit was dead, a rush of rage hit me again. I wished I’d had the chance to kill him a second time.

“I’m fine,” she repeated. “You’re the one who looks like he could use a healer.”

“Probably,” I admitted. “That’s the problem when you’re the doctor in the group.”

Freya was resting against the wall, rubbing her neck as she looked around. Alek was next to her, still in wolf form. When he saw me looking, he shifted and came over.

“She’ll be all right,” he said.

“I’ll check her over in a minute,” I said. “But I thought I told you to get Jenn and Freya out of here.”

He raised his hands defensively. “Hey, man, I tried,” he said. “But Jenn wasn’t about to leave unless I dragged her out of there, and Freya was unconscious. I had to pick my battle.”

I grumbled, but let it be.

“Go sit down on the couch,” Jenn said to me. “I’m getting the medicine bag.”

I obeyed. A moment later, she returned with the bag.

“Thank you for coming back,” she said, wiping down the claw marks on my side.

“Of course I came back,” I said. “I was an idiot for leaving in the first place. And I’m so sorry.”

“You didn’t know,” Jenn said.

“I should have known,” I said. “I just knew that I hated not being near you. I—ow!”

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m not great at this.”

I snorted. “No, no, it’s not that. I just really hate needles.”

She arched an eyebrow. “The best healer in the Silver Wolves hates needles?”