Isaac snarled and spun toward the entryway.

Klyte was standing in the doorway, glaring daggers at Isaac. He was naked, as if he’d just shifted out of his wolf form. He’d run the whole way here, then.

Relief flooded me, and I broke out into an almost psychotic laugh. He was here. Somehow, he’d guessed something was wrong and came back. Seeing him in the doorway filled me with so much love and affection that the emotions practically radiated off me. I hadn’t realized how relieved and happy I would be to see him until this very moment.

“She’s mine.” Isaac’s grip on my hands tightened painfully, momentarily halting the joyous feeling warming my insides. I was going to get bruises from this. “You’re not taking her from me.”

“Take your hands off her now before I bite them off.” There was none of his normal playful levity now. Klyte looked positively murderous. His eyes were wolfish as he stared at Isaac, who was still pinned on top of me.

“I’d like to see you try,” Isaac taunted.

Klyte sighed and cracked his neck. “I’ve had a lot to deal with lately,” he said. “So trust me when I say that if you don’t let go of her in the next five seconds, I will take all of that out on you. I’ve been needing a stress outlet.”

“You really like to hear yourself talk, don’t you?”

“Why, yes. Yes, I do.” Klyte said. “And I also like killing asshole shifters who try and take advantage of women. So, are we doing this or what?”

Isaac growled. The pressure on my hands and legs vanished as he lunged for Klyte. One minute, he was a man. The next, the clothes had shredded, and a massive wolf with shaggybrown fur was leaping toward Klyte, jaw open and headed directly for Klyte’s neck.

A second before Isaac would have sunk his teeth into Klyte’s throat, Klyte the man was gone and his wolf had taken his place. Isaac flew overhead, almost slamming into the far wall with the force behind his momentum, but he just managed to stop in time and spin around.

Klyte bristled, snarling and baring his fangs as the two circled one another. Moments later, another set of footsteps sounded as someone came running into the room from outside. Alek. He saw the conflict and shifted back into the red-furred wolf, preparing to jump in and help his friend.

But Klyte growled at him, jerking his head toward me. The message was clear:Get them out and look after her. I’ve got this.

Alek hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He plodded over to me, gently taking my hand in his mouth and trying to lead me out the back door to safety.

“Fat chance,” I said, removing my hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Alek gave me an annoyed but resigned look, then huffed before trotting over to Freya. He sniffed gingerly, his breath moving her hair, then he gently licked her cheek. Freya stirred a little, moaning softly.

I let out a soft sigh of relief. She was okay. That was all I could think before my attention was drawn back to the two wolves circling each other in the living room.

My heart thundered as I watched the two of them lunge at each other. I didn’t know what I would do if Klyte lost. Because as much as I had tried to deny it, I couldn’t any longer. I lovedhim. I loved that he was the father of my cub, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. The thought of him losing, of losing him, was too much to think about. I couldn’t let that happen. I wouldn’t. I would jump into the fray before I let that happen. He was mine, as I was his. And as soon as this fight was over, I was going to stop pretending otherwise.

Now he just had to survive.

Chapter 19 - Klyte

Isaac snarled as our wolves circled one another, drool dripping from his muzzle onto the floor. Our claws scraped against the hardwood, leaving gouges I knew would never fully go away. But that was about as far from my mind as it was possible to get. Because right now, I was entirely focused on killing the shifter who had been threatening Jenn and our cub.

The entire run here, I’d been terrified I was too late. That I would get back to the house to find it either empty or Jenn dead. I was in love with Jenn and had been too stupid to tell her. I didn’t know what I would do if I never got the chance to tell her. I wasn’t going to let that become an option.

My wolf was just as agitated, struggling to get back to the wolf he wanted as his mate as quickly as possible. His own emotions were making it difficult to think straight. All I knew was that I needed to get to Jenn and get there as fast as I could. So I’d charged ahead in my desperation to get back, leaving Alek trailing behind me.

When I’d entered the house, I’d been relieved at first. I could still smell Jenn and Freya. But then I caught Isaac’s scent, and I knew how much danger Jenn was in. Seeing him on top of her had driven me crazy with fear and rage. No one touched Jenn like that. Ever. I was going to make him pay for it.

With a growl, Isaac leaped, claws outstretched to rake across my face and back. But before he got too close, I dropped to the ground and rolled away. My paw lashed out, trying to claw his flank and barely missing it. He landed on all fours and spun around as I jumped back to my feet and charged.

The brown-furred wolf stepped to the side and swiped. Unlike mine, his claws made contact, dragging across my side. Isnarled, feeling flesh tear. This shifter was strong and quick. It wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped to take him down.

My wolf pounced again, aiming straight for the other wolf’s shoulders. We landed right on target, but Isaac bucked us off, and we went flying. Our back slammed into the wall, causing dull pain to radiate through our body, and we fell to the floor.

Isaac was already on top of us, snarling, spittle flying from his muzzle. Body still aching, my wolf rolled, barely dodging being pinned by the other, larger wolf.

Out of the corner of our eye, we saw Alek watching the fight intently, standing protectively over Freya, still on the floor, while Jenn watched next to him. He took a step forward, ready to help, but my wolf snarled and shook his head. This was our fight, not his. My wolf wanted to make Isaac pay, for him to feel our teeth in his flesh.

He was going to pay.