But then, a burly figure charged into the living room and headed straight toward Freya. I screamed, but before I could do anything else, Isaac had Freya in a chokehold, his other hand wrapped around her stomach as he pinned her against his body. He was far larger than her, her head not even reaching his shoulder. He’d let his brown hair grow long and shaggy, and there was rugged stubble on his cheeks, but none of that made him handsome or hid the manic glint in his eyes.
“Alone at last, eh, girls?” Isaac said in a low, menacing voice. The feral grin on his face was filled with pure triumph as his dark eyes stared at me, raking up and down my body. “Just the three of us, like old times. Did you think I didn’t know about your little bodyguard? Or that he’d be enough to stop me? I gave you two more credit than that.”
He tightened his hold on Freya’s neck, and she sputtered slightly as she tried to pry his arm away from her throat. She coughed and flailed, her legs kicking out uselessly as her face reddened from lack of oxygen.
“Aw, she’s so cute when she’s struggling,” Isaac said, laughing. “You should have seen her when we paid her that visit after you left, Jenn.”
“Let her go,” I snarled. My fingers were lengthening to claws. I couldn’t run, not while he had Freya. I had to find a way to stop him.
I searched rapidly around me for anything I could use to defend myself. There was the fire poker by the fireplace, some heavy objects like massive books and old candlesticks, but nothing I could use at any range.
Isaac laughed and squeezed Freya tighter. “And why would I do that?”
I was just about to lunge for the poker and make a mad dash toward him when Freya’s movements got horrifyingly slow and feeble before stopping entirely. Her head slumped to the side, and Isaac dropped her like a sack of potatoes.
I didn’t have time to scream or get angry. I had to protect myself and my cub either by fighting or running. If I ran, he would catch me. So fighting was the only real option I had.
I darted for the poker, grabbing the cool, rough iron. But before I could do anything, Isaac was on me with lightning speed. Grabbing my throat with one hand, his other reached out and grabbed my wrist, twisting painfully. I gasped in pain, and the poker clattered uselessly to the floor. I writhed and kicked, trying to get out of his grasp, but his grip on my throat was an iron band.
“Relax,” he said as I kept struggling. Hot, reeking breath hit my face. “She’s only unconscious. She and I have some unfinished business, but I have more important things to deal with right now.”
“Let…” But that was all I could really get out. I coughed and sputtered as my heart raced. I tried to rake my claws against Isaac’s flesh, but it was useless. He just laughed.
“I like it when you’re feisty,” he growled. He pulled me closer, trapping me further, then his nostrils flared. His eyes turned wolf, and I realized with horror what he had discovered.
He pressed his nose against my collarbone and inhaled deeply. Snarling, his grip on my throat tightened as he slammed me against the wall. The pictures rattled at the force, and one of them fell to the ground.
“You’ve been fucking someone, slut?” he growled, his eyes burning with cold hatred. “I can smell you’re pregnant.”
“I don’t…” I tried to lie, but the panic racing through me made the claim sound hollow. He had pushed me up against the wall so that I was dangling inches off the ground.
“It was that bodyguard, wasn’t it?” When I didn’t answer fast enough, he slammed my head into the wall, making me see stars. “Wasn’t it?”
Feeling as though it was my only way out of the situation, I nodded.
He snarled, then pressed his body against mine.
“You’re mine,” he hissed in my ear as the grip on my throat tightened even further. “I’m the only person you’re fucking from now on.”
That was assuming I was going to live.
A hand went to my stomach, and I could feel the fingers there lengthening to sharp, pointed claws pressing into my flesh.
“I should tear that thing out of you right now,” he said. “Would you like that, baby?”
He said it mockingly, his tone a sneer. Fear and rage gripped me at the words. There was no way in hell I was going to let him hurt my cub. I thrashed wildly, trying to create some space between us. All he did was laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world.
Finally, and almost by accident, I drove my knee up into his crotch and hit him right in the balls.
He swore and stumbled backward. I collapsed to my knees, coughing and wheezing as I tried to regain my breath, but I knew I was wasting precious seconds. I didn’t have long before he would come after me again.
I started crawling away, trying to reach Freya to see if I could wake her up. No matter what, I wasn’t going to leave her here for Isaac to take his frustration out on. We needed to run together.
But I had barely gotten ten feet when claws dug into my leg and yanked me backward. I screamed in fear and pain as Isaac dragged me across the floor back to him. Before I could react or do anything to defend myself, he climbed on top of me and pinned me to the ground. His hands grabbed my wrists as his knees dug into the flesh of my thighs.
“You’re going to pay for that, you bitch,” he spat. Spittle flew from his mouth and landed on my face. “I was just going to drag you back home, where you belong. But if you’re going to be this much of a pain in the ass, I guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson first.”
“I’d strongly advise against that,” a male voice snarled. “I happen to be rather attached to her, so I would think long and hard before you threaten her again and piss me off even more than you already have.”