She sat up, my cock still inside her, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I hoisted her into the air, and her legs locked around my waist. Her lips were against mine, claiming them greedily.

I slammed her into the wall, not caring about how much noise we were making. I needed her more than I’d needed anything else.

Even against the wall, her body moved against mine as she took over, grinding against my cock. She bit my neck as her movements grew more frantic, faster and faster. I could tell she was getting close. I could sense it in the way she took over, the scent of arousal mixing tantalizingly with her natural smell.

She moaned against my neck until I couldn’t take it anymore. I pinned her harder against the wall, making it so she couldn’t move, and took over, pushing my cock deep into her over and over again. Finally, after one heavy thrust, she screamed, her legs tightening against mine. I could feel her come, her muscles pulsing around my cock. It was enough to send me over, and I groaned as I came, relishing the release.

I slid her down the wall. “Are you all right?” I asked.

“Mm,” she said almost sleepily. She looked incredibly satisfied. “I’m great.”

I kissed her forehead. “Good.”

Later, we lay next to one another, and my mind raced with disbelief and something that had to be happiness. Jenn cuddled up next to me, her breasts pressing against my chest. I hadn’t been lying when I’d said I cared about Jenn and wanted her since before I’d even begun training with her father. But I hadn’t thought it would ever happen, not in a million years. Especially not since Malcolm…

My stomach lurched, a javelin of something that wasn’t quite panic piercing through my stupor. Shit. Malcolm. There was no way he’d understand.

“Are you all right?” I asked Jenn again.

She looked up, her chin resting on my chest. The look in her eyes was enough to make me wild with longing all over again. God, she was incredible.

“Surprisingly, yes,” she said, giving me a slow smirk. “I didn’t exactly think that something like this would ever happen. It wasn’t exactly on my bingo card.”

“Me neither,” I said, chuckling. My hand began running through her hair, mussing it even further. “But I’m not complaining.”

“I’d hope not,” Jenn said. “I’d be pretty offended if you were.”

“Well, you didn’t give me any reason to gripe,” I said, grinning playfully so she knew I was joking. “Though your hands could use a little practice—”

“You’re one to talk,” she said, giving me that same grin.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said dismissively. “My skills are impeccable.”

“You only made me come once with your fingers,” she said. “I expect at least twice from someone who claims to be that prodigious.”

I raised my eyebrows, tangling my fingers in her hair and pulling her face closer to mine. “Is that a challenge?” I growled.

“It might be,” she said, her voice nearly a purr.

I pulled her face closer to mine, and our lips met. I savored the taste of her, letting her scent wrap around me. Then I pulled away.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it obvious sooner that I cared about you,” I said. “Snark and jokes tend to be my go-to. If I’d known…”

“It’s fine,” she said. “Honestly, I liked it. It’s fun having someone to verbally spar with.”

“I prefer other types of sparring,” I said, pulling her on top of me. “Sparring in the bedroom, for instance.”

Her hands ran down my chest as she straddled me. With a sensual smile on her face, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I’m too tired.”

I laughed. “Tease.”

“It’s way more fun that way.”

My smile slipped, and I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “There is something we need to talk about.”

The mischievous grin slipped from her face, and she slid off me to the side. “Yeah,” she said. “Dad.”

I nodded. It was more complicated than Jenn realized, and I knew she needed to know at some point. But right now, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her everything. Not after last night.