“Just saying,” I said. “Remember that one time you tried to give me stitches?”
“Yeah, and you kept pointing out how I was doing them wrong,” Alek retorted.
“Well, you were—”
Malcolm cleared his throat, and the words died in my throat mid-sentence. “I’m pretty sure Klyte’s right,” he said.
“That’s not something you hear often,” Alek muttered.
“Regardless,” Malcolm continued, shooting Alek a glare that clearly communicatedshut up, “Klyte’s needed here to take care of Freya. Might as well do double duty there.”
I nodded. It was the easiest thing to do. Because truth be told, while Freya needed care and I was the one best equipped to heal her, that wasn’t the reason I had volunteered. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, the real reason I wanted to be the one to stay behind was because I didn’t think I could stand it if I was away from Jenn for too long, or if something were to happen to her and I wasn’t there. I needed to be near her, to make sure she was okay and see it with my own eyes.
“Right,” Jameson said, rubbing his stubble. “In that case, Klyte will stay with the girls. The rest of us will start looking for Isaac. It’ll probably be a few days before we’re back after looking into everything. Are you guys going to be okay?”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” I asked.
I looked at Jenn, her hazel eyes blazing with irritation. I flashed her a grin.
Chapter 8 - Jenn
“I don’t need a bodyguard,” I snarled later as Klyte, Dad, and I stood in Freya’s bedroom. Klyte was hunched over Freya, checking her bandages and injuries, muttering to himself. He was acting like he wasn’t paying any attention to the argument playing out behind him, but his posture and over-casual manner made me think otherwise. “I’m perfectly capable of handling myself.”
I didn’t point out that the last time I’d gone up against Isaac, he’d overpowered me. Mercifully, and to my surprise, neither did Klyte. I’d glossed over that part of the story when telling it to Dad earlier, so he had no idea how bad it had gotten.
“I know you are,” Dad said. “I trained you, didn’t I? But even the best fighter goes down sometimes, especially when it comes to bigger opponents.”
“Can attest to that,” Klyte said, not looking up from his work. “Luke beats me half the time we fight, and I’m way better at hand-to-hand combat. He just knows how to use his size. I think this is going to need stitches, Freya. How are you with needles?”
“Does it have to be Klyte?” I asked. “Why not Luke or Sam or any of the others?”
“Ouch,” Klyte said dryly.
“Shut it,” I snarled.
“I’m too busy shutting this wound,” he snapped back.
“If Klyte’s already here taking care of Freya, it makes the most sense,” Dad said. “I know you’re not the biggest fan of the idea, but it’ll help me feel better knowing someone is here in case things get messy.”
“Let me go with you,” I said.
“Absolutely not,” Dad snarled. “The whole reason we’re doing this in the first place is to keep you safe. It doesn’t work particularly well if you’re off hunting for the guy we’re trying to protect you from.”
“But I can help,” I protested.
My wolf paced back and forth inside me, snarling in annoyance at the thought of being caged and having to sit this one out. But at the same time, an infuriatingly traitorous part of her was excited at the thought of Klyte being nearby. And that made me just as angry as the rest of it.
“You can help by making sure your friend stays okay, too, you know,” Klyte said, standing. He gave me a knowing look that seemed to penetrate through me.
I opened my mouth, glowering at him. But before I could say anything, Freya said, “I think they’re right. I think it might be best if you stayed here.” She gave me an apologetic look. “If only so I’m not alone.”
The look in her eyes told me that her being alone wasn’t really the reason she had asked me to stay, but there was also no way I could argue with her. Not after everything she had done for me.
I sighed in resignation, then nodded.
Even Klyte looked relieved, though I couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t as though he would enjoy playing babysitter for however long it took the rest of the Silver Wolves to find Isaac and take him down.
“Fine,” I said, heading toward the door. “Just make sure you find him quick.”