Kris looks at me for a long moment while the blood rushes to my face.
Klaus is six-and-a-half feet tall. I calibrated the sleigh and trained the reindeer to pull the correct weight. I know he weighs about 300 pounds, most of it muscle.
I’m just under four feet and weigh a third of that, with a body as thin and straight as a candy cane. The only fat on me is my round cheeks and my scant handfuls of breasts.
The blood in my cheeks flies south.
Yes, I’ve been imagining having someone as big as Klaus touching me. Yes, I’ve imagined him inside me, and I longed for the initial pain and dreamed of the pleasure afterward.
“Stop.” Kris holds up a warning hand. “I like it best when I just get semi-clear visions of what you want. Which is my dad. And you’re who he wants.”
“He—what?” My shriek makes an icicle snap off the gingerbread-esque roof of the dining hall as the doors are being flung open wide for the ceremonial exchange of power.
“Shhh!” Kris glares me to silence, dark black beard and flashing blue-black eyes hushing me along with a wave of his white-gloved hand.
“Why me? He barely talks to me!”
“He can’t! Or at least, he couldn’t. Not while you were working for him! No Santa wants to risk doing something that could potentially cause tension between him and his workers. But haven’t you noticed that he’s been hanging out in the stables every spare minute?”
Ihadnoticed—and loved— Klaus’ recent habit. “I thought he was sad that he wouldn’t be driving the sleigh tomorrow night. I thought he was going to miss the team.” I pat Donder’s flank.
“He likes you, Eirwen. You were always a good friend to my mother. You were always there for me growing up. You taught me how to ride, drive, and fly. Best of all, you never, ever let Dad down. His team and his sleigh were always perfect becauseof you. You never asked him for anything or pressured him to change the way he ran the Workshop.”
I blink in surprise. “That’s just being a good worker! Elves are supposed to support.”
“You were more. You were a good friend. Someone he trusted. Someone he could talk to. And remember—heisSanta, for another few minutes, anyway. He’s known your Christmas Wish for months. He just couldn’t act on it.” Kris leaves the team and walks through the sweeping snow, calling back over his shoulder— “But that all changes tonight. The question is—do you want to make each other’s Christmas Wishes come true?”
KLAUS CHEERS THE LOUDESTof anyone in the packed dining hall when Kris steps up and takes The List, and with it, the magic and semi-immortality offered to every Santa. Within seconds, his black hair is shot through with silver, but it doesn’t turn snow white. That’ll happen after a few years. Magic has its price after all.
Feasting and drinking begin, but not to excess. In a few more hours, Kris—I mean, Santa Claus, will take his first solo flight around the globe to deliver the presents the Crafters and Confectioners had worked on all year.
Klaus, still in a faded red velvet suit that is nowhere near as rich and vibrant as his son’s, steps off the dais where the head table is stationed. He has to work his way through an ocean of well-wishers, but it is clear that he has a designated target in mind.
“Klaus. Um. Congratulations.Doublecongratulations! Kris will be amazing. You’ve trained him well. And well done you!”I babble with a nervous smile. I duck my head back into the tankard of thick, creamy eggnog and hope I sounded a little smoother to Klaus than I did to my own ears. “A century without a single house missed. H-high five!”
Klaus taps my outstretched hand gently with two fingers. His hand is three times the size of mine. His fingers are peppermint logs compared to my fun-sized candy canes.
I press my thighs together as I suddenly remember a night of recent fantasizing and experimentation while I was alone in my room. I’d taken the biggest peppermint log I could find, one almost as wide as my palm, a thick red and white cylinder that smelled like Heaven... Like Klaus... He always smelled like fresh snow and sugary mint. I couldn’t picture how big he would be as I rubbed the chalky peppermint over my skin. Klaus was huge, even for humans. As I practiced working it into my aching pussy, I wondered if Klaus would be even longer. Thicker? Would he fit in my tiny, tight snatch, even after I attempted to stretch myself out?
The creamy peppermint candy didn’t fit, but it felt so good being stretched while dreaming Klaus was the one working himself inside of me. The starbursts of pain that made me gasp and wince would be worth it if I could feel his wide, firm hands on my waist, if I could hear his deep snowdrift of a voice coaxing me to relax and let him do whatever was necessary to make us one.
My flashback seems like hours to me, but it’s only two seconds in reality. Klaus is still laughing and waving to those surging past us, looking completely nonchalant and unaware that my thick winter tights were damp because of my naughty thoughts.
Oh no! Kris! The List! Doesheknow?
Wait... DidKlausknow? He’d still been the current Santa Claus when I had my little foray into candy cane fuckery.
“Thank you, Eirwen. Say, I was wondering if you’d help me tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night? But that’s Take-Off!”
“Oh, I know, after Take-Off. See, I was thinking of spending the day someplace, maybe even overnight. I haven’t taken Christmas Eve off in a century. I’m used to driving the big team, but I wondered if I could borrow Hades and Jingle? Could you show me how to use one of the smaller sleighs? Maybe the little red two-seater?”
Me? Alone with Klaus, teaching him how to use a sled built for two?