Page 23 of Fool's Desire

"Play with me!" It wasn't a question but a demand, and Desi no longer had the will to resist him.

"Yes!" she groaned breathlessly.

The single word was barely out of her mouth before Joel was dragging her determinedly off the dance floor.

Desi had to scamper to keep up with his long strides, and he grasped her hand securely, as if worried she might escape, and led her towards a wide steel staircase.

She caught an anxious look from Jake and smirks from Connor and Logan as he dragged her past without stopping, though it was obvious Jake was trying to get Joel's attention.

The three men made to follow, and Jake clearly wanted to say something, but they were separated from easy communication by the crowd in between them. Their presence made her feel slightly apprehensive, but not enough to override her ramped up desire, which, by now, was too strong even to heed those little voices in her conscience that were trying to tell her this was probably a bad idea.

Right now, she really didn't care. She wanted this; she wanted Joel; she wanted that tantalising orgasm he kept teasing her with. She wanted to be liberated. She wanted to feel! She wasn't going to let Joel break her heart all over again; she was way too cynical these days for that to happen. She just wanted to live this moment.

Joel led her to a room with a wide viewing window that stretched from wall to wall. The room was extra deep, and Desi realised that it was to allow the other patrons to watch from within without encroaching on the scene. She noticed as he tugged her inside that there was a reserved sign on the door and wondered exactly when he had managed to book it and ensure that it was available at just the right time.

"Kneel," he commanded as soon as she crossed the threshold, pointing to the only free corner, opposite the windows and away from the public viewing area at the end of the room.

Desi scurried to obey, sinking gracefully to her knees, opening them wide and bowing her head while she rested her hands, palm upwards, on her spread thighs in a classic submissive pose. It was unusual to be in this position while still clothed, but as Jake finally reached the doorway, she realised that the move was purposeful, the use of protocol effectively preventing Jake from speaking to her.

Jake wasn't that easily deterred, and Desi hid a smile at his protectiveness as he approached Joel, instead.

Chin resting on her chest, she watched from under her lashes as Joel anticipated Jake's objections and held a hand up to counter them before he even opened his mouth.

"She agreed. Verbally. She said yes, and she has her safe words."

Jake moved closer to Joel and said something too low for her to hear. Joel clenched his jaw and looked darkly at his cousin, then he nodded sharply just once, and Jake took a last look in her direction before heading back towards Logan and Connor.

Joel walked over to her and rested his hand on her hair. "Are you okay with an audience?" he queried.

A vivid thrill ran through her at the thought of being watched. In the past, she had always been quite an exhibitionist, but she was surprised at how much the idea still appealed to her after all this time.

Desi nodded her head in consent, and Joel reminded sharply, "I need to hear you, Desi. You will verbalise all your responses, except when I tell you specifically to keep quiet."

"Yes, Sir," she accepted.

"Master!" Joel corrected. "I wish you to address me as Master."

Desi was momentarily taken aback by the demand for a title that was more usual in committed relationships and hesitated a beat before responding.


Joel chose to overlook the small pause that once would have earned her a swat for dithering. Perhaps he realised what a huge step it was for her to call him that. Instead, he headed for the door and secured it in the open position to indicate that spectators were welcome in the room and adjusted the efficient silver coloured blinds for the watchers behind the glass.

Desi took a surreptitious glance around the room, taking in what she could through her peripheral vision while she kept her head dipped.

It was a utilitarian space, in keeping with the industrial feel of the rest of the club. Desi vaguely wondered if all of the playrooms were the same. In truth, she found it a little too stark and rather lacking in comfort. It was scrupulously clean and well stocked and the equipment looked like it was a decent quality, but there was no character, and it was all very sterile.

There was no bed in the room, which was a little sad, in her opinion, just a wide steel table with a multitude of fixing points to secure a sub to. The floor looked like it was also made of steel, although she could tell there was some kind of glossy coating over it. It sloped slightly towards a drainage point, which Desi supposed guaranteed easy cleaning since she guessed it could all just be hosed down, but she personally found that a little off putting. Plus, it was more than a little uncomfortable. She hoped Joel didn't leave her down here for too long.

She groaned in silent appreciation as he shrugged out of his black leather waistcoat, admiring the play of sinewy muscles in his well-defined back as he deftly assembled the toys and equipment he planned to use from out of a metal storage locker. He looked utterly delicious in tight black leather that encased and defined his muscled thighs and buckled biker boots, his jet-black hair sexily tousled.

Desi imperceptibly extended her spine to try and get a better look at the items he was lining up, and it occurred to her that Joel didn't have his own toy bag with him, so, clearly, he hadn't intended to play. She still couldn't see anything from her diminished vantage point. She could, however, see Jake, Logan and Connor, who had slipped into the room to watch along with a crowd of other voyeurs, and her cheeks pinked slightly in embarrassment which was really quite ridiculous. Logan and Jake were no strangers to her scening with Joel. Hell, Jake had participated on more than one occasion! Maybe it was just her subconscious reminding her that she still had to argue with these men across a conference table.

Finally, Joel returned, extending his hand to help her up and Desi took it, rising on quivering legs.

"Have your limits changed?" he asked, and Desi couldn't help her surprise.

"You remember my limits, Master?" she asked before she could think better of it.