Page 21 of Fool's Desire

"I didn't tell Joel I was coming, and I didn't tell any of them that I was bringing you. Now, be honest, is it really so bad? Just think of it as an extra step that you've managed to take and give yourself a pat on the back. You're just looking around, remember; now, you're looking around with friends."

Jake's gentle reasoning reassured her, and Desi slowly raised her submissively downturned gaze to meet Logan Thornton's.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Daisy. I barely recognised you! I certainly didn't expect to see you here." He reinforced Jake's assertion as he took in her collar, looked to his friend for permission and, at Jake's barely imperceptible nod, cupped Desi's face and kissed her lightly on both cheeks.

"She's better known these days as Desirae Harper," Jake told Logan before Desi could correct him, herself. "Or 'Desi' to her friends," he added, winking at her.

Connor moved forward and greeted her in a similar fashion; she supposed it would look kind of odd if they formally shook hands in a sex club. The absurdity of the notion tickled her sense of humour and she smiled widely, showing off her dimple.

Connor gazed intently at her, taking in the changes. With his big hand settled behind her neck, he drew his thumb across her collar and raised an eyebrow at Jake.

Jake just shrugged. "It's a protection thing," he revealed honestly, and both man nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well, Desi?" Logan asked. "Perhaps I can persuade you to come and dance with me for old times' sake?" He took her hand in his and started drawing her off towards the dance floor without really waiting for a reply. Desi glanced back at Jake in alarm, but he simply nodded his encouragement and took the glass from her hand. Thirty seconds later, Desi found herself thrust into the throng of gyrating bodies and pressed obscenely close to Logan Thornton's body.

Suspended above the dance floor were steel platforms that Desi hadn't noticed before, but from where she stood now, they seemed to surround her. Everywhere she looked, there was a platform with a spotlighted scene. At least a dozen of them.

The one closest to them featured a scantily clad woman bent over a spanking bench, her bare backside being warmed by her Dom's big hand, and Desi's mouth went dry as long buried memories struggled to the surface—memories of Joel's skilled and sensual hands and how freeing it had felt to surrender herself to his sinfully erotic spankings.

Higher up, with a good margin for safety, naked male and female subs were cuffed to opposite sides of a St. Andrew's cross and the distinctive sound of a whip split through the noise of the music as the Dom decorated both of them with a precise lattice pattern. Desi wetted her dry lips as a ripple of long dormant arousal arrowed through her body and settled in her girly bits.

Across the room, she had a spectacular view of a tiny sub with the palest of skin, on her knees with her nipples clamped and her arms bound behind her back while a huge dark skinned Dom with a glistening oiled up body fed her his mammoth cock. Her mouth stretched unnaturally wide just to fit him in and the stark contrast of their skin tones was just as compelling as the act they were participating in.

Desi felt her own nipples tighten and tried to swallow, but her throat was too damn dry. She couldn't say the same for her pussy.

Another platform featured a cage, and within its bars, two females fondled each other intimately, and in one of the corners, a platform featured a pole and the woman performing contorted herself into the most amazing acrobatic positions as she wrapped herself around it.

The heavy, hypnotic beat of the music thrummed through her veins and the throng of bodies heated her skin…except it wasn't just the throng of bodies…

In another corner, a Domme dressed in a black leather bustier and a matching thong and thigh high boots stood admiring her male sub, whom she had bound and gagged while she attached pegs to his scrotum. Any pain he might be feeling had clearly done nothing to dampen his desire and his engorged cock pulsed, proud and purple headed.

Logan moved behind her so he didn't obstruct her view. He was an extremely sensual dancer; he held her tightly and touched her often, but nothing he did was overtly inappropriate. He held her hips and moved them in tandem with his own, her buttocks fitted snuggly against his groin and his hot breath whispered across the side of her neck. She could feel the outline of his erection but decided she'd maybe be more concerned if he didn't have at least a semi, surrounded as they were by all the erotic acts and the suggestive dancing.

In truth, the sights and sounds, the smorgasbord of flesh and the moans and gasps of pleasure and pain that were being broadcast and filtered above the sound of the music from microphones attached to the platforms were turning her on, as well.

Desi could feel her nipples pebbling into hard little buds that rasped against the fabric of her corset as she moved, despite the sultry heat around them, and shivers ran along her skin where Logan touched her. Heat pooled in the pit of her stomach and she revelled in the light, bubbly cravings that fizzled through her veins. God, it had been so long since she'd let herself feel this good.

They'd been out there for a while when Jake joined them, plastering himself provocatively to her front while the pair of them sandwiched her in the middle. It felt deliciously decadent and indulgent.

Desi relaxed and gave herself up to the beat of the music, the snugness of their positions, which made her feel oddly safe as she happily absorbed the arousing atmosphere.

She didn't know how long she'd been floating on that knife edge of stimulation before a deep voice broke into her erogenous stupor. "Is this a private orgy, or can anyone join?"

Desi froze at the sound of Joel's voice. She was aware of Jake stiffening in front of her and Logan tightened his grip on her hips. The silent support helped her to breathe again.

Jake turned to face his cousin, shielding Desi in the process, but Joel deftly sidestepped him and grabbed her hand.

"Dance with me…Desi," he ordered, putting extra emphasis on her name.

An electric jolt shot up Desi's arm at his demanding touch and tremors ran through each of her limbs, mingling in her tummy and causing it to do a slow summersault. His turbulent blue eyes pinned hers and she couldn't look away.

Logan chuckled at her reaction and started backing away, but Jake stood his ground.

"Joel!" he warned, grasping his cousin's shoulder.

"It's just a dance, Jake," Joel growled, never taking his eyes off her. "You can stop with the mother hen routine for a while."

"Desi?" Jake turned to check with her.