Page 92 of Not in the Plan

Find out why she left, who left who, and what were her internal reactions when she signed the papers.

Aunt dying—someone special to her—was this a catalyst for change? Ask about what a weekend with the aunt looked like (movies? Cookies? Shopping?)

Voice inflections when she speaks

Cross-reference everything with the Mayo Clinic article on children of addicts

Besides the storm, were there other memorable incidents of neglect; does she remember the weather around those times, the color of a dress, or what she ate that day? Need to determine triggers.

Bonded over equally awful upbringings

A mysterious package with the mail carrier

Tears and bile and heaviness wore on her. In front of her was her nightmare laid on the page, exposed, like fodder. Like entertainment.

Her limbs trembled. Her chin trembled. Her entire body, from her scalp to her toes, trembled. The words turned fuzzy as she stared at the computer until her fight or flight response kicked in.

And flight won.



Man, she felt better. Shower for the win, and now Mack could focus on nothing besides Charlie. The book was done, delicious food was on the horizon, and a whole night of reconnecting awaited. Mack moved down the hall as she squeezed the last bit of water from her hair into a towel.

She stepped into the bedroom and glanced around. “Charlie?”
