Page 75 of Not in the Plan

Mack’s phone chimed with a message, then rang. She silenced it without looking. Her fingers continued to race, machine-gun clicking against the keyboard.

We’re at a critical turning point, and tonight, no doubt things will change. God forgive me. I have no choice in what I’m about to do. The strawberry gloss is sticky against my bruised lips, but I smack them just the same. Tonight, I’ll look my best. After this, doing what I need to do, our lives will cease to exist in their current state. From this moment on, everything’s considered a “before” or an “after.”

The pages stacked up. Layers upon layers of story burst from her, taking her down a road she never expected, but she let herself go there. Her outline tossed, for this moment at least, and her characters spoke through her, told her what she needed to do. She followed them through this journey and let herself get lost in their direction.

Her hyper-focused state pumped dopamine through her veins and staved off all other sensations until the nerves in her lower back beat out the competition and forced her to move. When she pulled her leg up to her chest, the burn shot from her hip to her spine. At some point, she seriously needed to consider chiropractic care. Or a proper desk. She flipped over and glanced at the clock.

3:45 p.m.


She snatched her phone, nearly numb fingers scrolling through the message barrage.

9:21 a.m.

Viviane: we need to chat. Please call me

10:07 a.m.

Charlie: Drinking hot chocolate. Not because I want it but because it made me think of you

10:15 a.m.

Viviane(missed call)

10:16 a.m.


12:29 p.m.

Viviane: Do not make me fly to Seattle. I will. I love you, but you need to call me ASAP. It’s about the contract.

1:12 p.m.

Charlie: So bummed you aren’t here. You missed the cutest thing ever! A daycare brought the kids down here for steamers (for you not in the biz, it’s warmed milk with a flavor). All the kids were holding each other’s hands in a chain line. Freaking adorable.

1:50 p.m.

Viviane(missed call)

3:33 p.m.

Charlie: hope everything is okay, and I totally didn’t scare you off ??(insert hyper-paranoia, kind of needy, weird trust issues here)

Charlie: ??

Mack buried her face in her hands. With everything Charlie had shared with her, abandonment, awful parenting, and a delinquent ex, the first thing Mack did was ghost her right after they slept together? Mack had to be better than this.

3:51 p.m.

Mack: OMG. Sorry, I was super focused on my work. The day flew by.

Mack: and now I want hot chocolate

Mack: and more kisses

Mack exhaled and dialed Viviane.