Page 69 of Not in the Plan

She drew Mack to her and pushed her mouth against hers. Chocolate swirled with their tongues, and Mack firmed her grip on Charlie’s hips. Her endlessly smooth skin was like satin beneath Charlie’s fingers. Mack brushed Charlie’s hair away from her neck and sunk her lips into the slope, Charlie’s body buckled. She fell back into the couch and opened her hips for Mack to slide between her legs. Mack flattened her palms on either side, caging Charlie, as she kissed her earlobe and neck.

Wrapped in her protective arms, Charlie’s body loosened. She brought Mack’s lips back to hers and sighed into her mouth as she yearned to explore. Everything was so good, so smooth, so flawless. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She swept her hands beneath Mack’s ass and tugged her closer.

“Is this okay?” Mack’s breathy voice reached her ear as she inched Charlie’s dress over her knees.

“Yes, everything… are you okay?”

Her tongue brushed across Charlie’s collarbone. “Perfect.”

Charlie’s heartbeat kicked so frantically that she knew she’d burst. Tasting Mack’s mouth, licking her earlobe, and whispering down her neck was the only thing on Charlie’s mind. She shifted her hips and sunk deeper into the couch as Mack pressed into her.

The glow of the fireplace flickered as Charlie’s hunger intensified. She slid her fingertips under Mack’s shirt, raking across her back, as Mack pressed her thumbs on Charlie’s outer thighs. She needed Mack closer. Her body begged for friction.

Mack licked Charlie’s lower lip. “You’re so beautiful, Charlie… the first time I saw you… I stopped breathing.”

Charlie’s hips twisted and reangled, but Mack still wasn’t close enough.

Mack’s fingers traveled higher up Charlie’s thighs. “If you want me to stop, tell me, okay?”

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

Skilled touches and controlled kisses covered Charlie. She gasped and abandoned all control over her limbs as their bodies collided and heat flushed through her core. She needed her. She wanted to know her, every part of her. Charlie’s tongue slid across Mack’s upper chest peeking out from her shirt as Mack kneaded her skin.

Heated skin pressed into Charlie’s hands. She trailed Mack’s belly, this warm, firm belly she wanted to squeeze because there was so much pressure everywhere and it collected at her fingertips. She feasted on the salt on her skin. Mack’s mouth moved against Charlie’s, captured it, and begged for more.

Moaning and breathing and whispering filled the air. The tension built in Charlie’s thighs and center. Mack broke contact and sat back on her tucked feet. In two fierce tugs, she ripped her shirt open.


“Gotta love snaps instead of buttons,” Mack said with a small smile and threw her top in the corner. She paused, holding Charlie’s gaze. One, then two, then three seconds went by, and Mack still didn’t move.

Why’d she stop?

Charlie shoved an oversized pillow underneath her back and propped herself on her elbows. “Are you… we… good?”

Mack’s beautiful ivory chest rose with a deep breath. Her cheeks flushed pink. “I want to look at you. Right now, in this light. I want to remember this moment.” She reached for Charlie’s hand and kissed her palm.


Scooching up, Charlie took control and brought Mack in close. Mack’s breaths became hers. Charlie shifted back, and Mack straddled her, and now Charlie couldn’t think. Mack’s porcelain skin brushed against hers, the glow of the fire highlighted the amber in her irises. Charlie gripped Mack’s hips as she circled against her.

Swiping her fingertips across Mack’s lower belly, Charlie whispered, “Your skin’s so soft. It feels so good.”

Mack’s stomach muscles clenched beneath her touch. This was happening. And it was real and not scary but alsoreally scaryand wonderful and delicious, and Charlie couldn’t even handle it. Mack slipped her hands through Charlie’s mane, fisted her hair, and deepened her kiss.

Inside, Charlie’s body trembled and laughed and cried. Too many conflicting emotions drove through her, and she didn’t know which path to follow. She pulled away and caught her breath. She peeked at Mack’s flushed face, her moistened mouth, and couldn’t stop. Charlie dove back in, Mack’s tongue swiped hers, and now Charlie reached the maximum intensity where even her eyelids pulsed.

Desire filled Charlie, and tension spread to her limbs. Mack’s thighs wrapped around Charlie’s. The warmth of skin on skin, the internal flames, was everything she had dreamt of. Tonight was special. Beautiful. Mack’s mouth grazed her lips, the tip of her nose, and the crook of her neck. Charlie gripped Mack’s ass and dragged her closer. They rocked against each other, a gentle wave brewing.

Mack hooked her fingers on Charlie’s waistband, and Charlie quivered.

“Can I touch you?” Mack whispered in her ear, her fingers patiently waiting, not moving, the warm breath of her mouth soothing Charlie.

Charlie nodded but couldn’t speak.

“Is that a yes?” Mack’s voice contained a hint of a smile.

“Yes… yes,” Charlie murmured.