Page 57 of Not in the Plan

Charlie shrugged. “It was nothing.”

“Charlie.” Her lusciously raspy tone filled the air. “It was everything. I don’t have a lot of people in my life, and you just showed up.”

“You literally installed my floors yesterday. Like hard physical labor. Pretty sure I owe you a massage.”

Mack’s eyebrow lifted, and Charlie swallowed, and both remained silent. But Mack wrapped her pinkie around Charlie’s pinkie, and she nearly crumbled from the sweet touch.

Thoughts escaped like a herd of cheetahs. She didn’t want this, right? No. Yes. Unsure.Ugh.Surrendering like this opened her up for real, genuine hurt. Happiness bubbles floated just above her head but were still out of reach. Maybe she wanted this. But what wasthis? Was “this”…them? Her heartbeat picked up, and she slowly exhaled a silent breath. She’d invested so much time after the divorce to mend her shattered heart. Did she really want to risk going back to that place?

They crossed the street and stopped in front of Charlie’s car. “Can I give you a ride?”

“Nah, thanks, though,” Mack said. “I’m meeting my parents for dinner down here in an hour.”

Charlie nodded, but her heart dipped. She beeped her key fob when Mack cupped her hands behind Charlie’s neck. Charlie’s breath hitched as she waited for Mack’s velvety mouth to press against her.

Damn, she wanted this. All of this. A date. Sex.Mack.Flutters flew into Charlie’s chest. She licked her lips with a shy grin and parted her mouth when Mack leaned forward and touched her forehead to Charlie’s.

Mack closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she pulled back, her expression was soft but undecodable, and Charlie turned toJell-O from the intimate act. But her lips ached to feel Mack’s mouth on hers, and her brain shorted on the confusing signal.

Mack squeezed her hand. “Night,” she said softly, and headed down the street.



“What in the white chocolate mocha hell is going on?” Ben guzzled a cup of water and slammed it into the garbage. “We have like triple the customers than usual.”

“I know.” Charlie scribbled a third sold-out tag over the display case. “It’s bananas.”

But amazing. With every single customer, her stress level reduced. The ordinarily quiet chatter in the shop took on a louder, more festive decibel, and her heart filled. Her vision board, energy work, and crystal rubbing played out in real time. People talking and laughing. The continuous till beeping. Coffee grinding in the background.

She darted to the storage room for more napkins, stopping on the way to straighten out the new area rug she bought to cover the different colored flooring. This weekend, she’d have to buy tape to keep it from slipping.

She returned to her favorite mother-daughter duo.

“Hi, Charlie!” Amanda held out a purple dragon stuffed animal with glitter wings. “Look at my new stuffy.”

“Hey, kiddo. Love the dragon. New stuffy means you finished your summer books already, right?” Charlie smiled. “Proud of you. But I’ve got some bad news. We’re out of chocolate chip cookies. All we have is oatmeal.”

Amanda’s face scrunched. “Eww. Oatmeal cookies are like breakfast. I want my cookie like dessert.”

“That’s fair.” Charlie glanced up. “Hey, Erica. Sorry you guys had to wait so long. No idea if some sort of block party’s happening, and I didn’t get the memo?”

“I’m not surprised.” Erica dug a credit card from her wallet. “You’re internet famous.”

“What do you mean?” Charlie didn’t look up from scribbling their drink order on the cup.

“Have you heard of the author M. Ryder?”

Charlie dropped the Sharpie and quickly snatched it back up. “I do. We’re, um… friends.”

Erica’s eyes widened. “You’re friends? No way! Anyway, she tagged Sugar Mugs in her socials last night.”

Charlie froze. “What?”

Erica held out her phone with Mack’s post displayed. “Seattle’s reputation for coffee house superstardom is rightfully earned. Thanks to #SugarMugs for keeping me warm and caffeinated during my visit.” A link to Charlie’s half-assed website and Facebook page appeared below.

Mack did that? Charlie’s neck turned hot and her smile grew.