“You’d think,” she says with a smirk, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, leading me over to the chairs, and gesturing for me to take a seat.
“You wanted to talk?” I ask after a moment or two of silence.
She nods. “I wanted to talk to you about joining a team.”
I shake my head, cutting her off.
“We’ve talked about this. I don’t want to join a team, I’m happy teaching.”
“I know, and I heard you. I want you to join my team.”
My mouth drops open. “Your team?”
“My team,” she agrees.
“And what exactly willyourteam be doing?”
“Does that mean you’re interested?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Let’s say that I am,” I tell her with a smile.
“I thought you might be.” She smirks. “As you know, the other leaders and I have been reaching out to the human leaders for the past four years.”
I nod because I did know that. “Okay…”
“Well, finally, after numerous Zoom calls, teleconferences, and phone calls, the Canadian Government has agreed to a private, in-person meeting.”
My eyes widen.
“Really?” I ask, excitement coursing through me. With the threat of the prophecy hanging over our heads and then with River leaving four years ago, we’ve redoubled our efforts to get the human government to listen.
The sooner we get them on board, the sooner River can come home. The sooner that Riley will be whole again. They may be a few years younger than me, but their being the next couple in the prophecy makes them pretty much celebrities. Even a blind person can see how much River leaving has destroyed Riley, and only a monster would want to drag that out.
“Yes. And we’re making a small team of trusted enforcers to accompany us and watch our backs.”
“When you say our, who exactly do you mean?” I ask.
“Right now, it’s Alaric, Darren, Sebastyn, Loukas, and me who plan to attend.”
“What about the others? Axel? Drake?” I don’t ask about Rayne or Skarlyt because I know them well enough to know they aren’t prepared for diplomacy.
“We decided as a group that these individuals had the best chance of communicating. Axel and Andres are far too large and intimidating. Skarlyt and Pearl will automatically not be taken seriously, and we need to be taken seriously.”
I nod, understanding. “And Drake?”
She chuckles. “Where Drake goes, his mate goes.”
“Understood,” I agree. “And who else is on this team?”
“Each leader has chosen one person to accompany us, to be their personal bodyguard.”
“And I’m yours?” I ask, “Surely you can find someone older and more experienced to choose.”
“There are people who have more experience like you say,” she agrees. “But I don’t trust them as much as I trust you.” My tiger preens at the praise from our alpha.
Simmer down before you embarrass us,I mentally berate her.
“Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”