I rolled my eyes, glad my bushy beard hid the red flush igniting my cheeks. “She’s not a threat to you, Rea. Your desserts are the best in the lower Keys.” Which wasn’t a lie. I’d never tasted any of Liv’s desserts. Just her morning pastries.
Just that thought sent a hot roll through my core.
But my statement pleased Rea, and a satisfied glint entered her eye. “Yeah, even Alfonso can’t bitch too much about that.”
“I’ll talk to him, I promise,” I said as we moved to stand under a nearby shade tree.
“Good luck with that. You might bring along some water for him to turn into wine while you’re at it.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “He can’t be the only temperamental chef you’ve worked with.”
“He’s not. Thank God the other chefs around here are nicer.”
I’d hired Alfonso almost four years ago. He’d just won a major cooking reality show and signing him had been a major coup. He brought a lot of prestige to Orchid, which was why we all put up with him. Though his menus had grown steadily less creative over theyears, making me think twice about renewing his contract when it was up in a year. “I’ll ask him not to come in before noon from now on, okay?”
Rea pursed her lips but nodded. “That will work—if he keeps his end of the bargain. I don’t know why he shows up so early.”
“He likes to prepare and plan the night’s menu without being rushed.”
“As long as he stays away from me.” A corner of her mouth rose in a reluctant smile. “Thanks, Evan. Sorry I unloaded on you.”
“That’s what I’m here for, and I understand your frustration. See you later.”
As Rea headed toward the lobby and Dorado, I opened the door to Orchid’s kitchen and entered the bright, clean area with its rows of stainless-steel counters. Several walk-in refrigerators lined one wall and two industrial stoves and ovens dominated the opposite.
Alfonso stood in front of one of the counters, leaning over it as he scribbled on a piece of paper. Middle-aged and heavyset, he wore black pants and a white chef’s coat with his name andExecutive Chefembroidered on one breast. His black, curly hair was still loose, meaning he wasn’t ready to start cooking.
Which he shouldn’t be, since it’s hours before he’ll start.
Hearing the door open, he glanced up. “Good morning, Evan.” Originally from Rome, his English was tinged with an Italian accent.
I nodded back and fixed a pleasant look on my face. “Hello, Alfonso. I’ve told you before, you don’t need to get here so early. Rea enjoys the solitude while she works. She’s pretty riled up. What did you say to her?”
Straightening, he scowled at the opposite side of the kitchen, which housed the counters, giant mixer, and neatly stacked baking sheets Rea used every morning.
“She overreacts. I only complained about the flour all over the place. She is a pig.” The word came outpeeg.
I cast my eye over the immaculate area. “She is not a pig, and it’shard to bake without spilling flour. Her area looks spotless now. Did you clean up for her?”
Alfonso reared back, horrified. “Of course not! She can clean up her own disgusting messes.”
I stopped across the counter from him and crossed my arms. “You made her pretty angry, Alfonso. She has a right to work in this kitchen without interference. As long as she cleans up her station, why should you even care?”
“Because it is my kitchen. She is an invader.Barbara…” He muttered the last word, his eyes sliding to Rea’s prep area.
I stared evenly at him, not rising to the bait. I didn’t speak Italian, but I’d heard enough of his insults and curses to know he’d called Rea a barbarian. “No more coming in early, Alfonso. I don’t want to see you here before noon.”
The chef became animated, gesturing with his hands. “And how am I supposed to plan our nightly menus? Do you think our specials arrive by magic?”
“You’ve been using the same rotating specials for the last year. You don’t need any extra time to prepare them.”
Brows lowering, he glared at me. “Are you complaining about my food?”
I couldn’t afford for him to storm off. One pissed-off chef was my limit. “No. Your food is excellent as always. But Iamsaying Rea has exclusive access to the kitchen until noon. End of story.”
He lifted his chin and eyed me steadily. I looked straight back, not giving an inch. Finally, he nodded. “Very well. But if she leaves the kitchen in ruins, I willnotbe happy.”
“I’m sure that won’t happen. I appreciate your understanding, Alfonso. Have a good day.”