When we walkedinto Maia and Wyatt’s cottage the following afternoon, we joined the throng of family. At least it seemed like a throng. Evan stood in one corner with Dad, and our sister Stella had driven up from Key West. She held Skye in her arms, swinging her lightly. Two years younger than me, Stella had the dark Markham hair and eyes. As she rocked the baby, her hair swung, just touching her shoulders.
“Uh-oh,” I said with a smile as we crossed the room. “Look who’s getting baby fever.”
Stella gave me a deadpan look. “Hardly. But she is very sweet.” Then a smile lit her face as her attention shifted to Hailey. “And now I have not one, but two beautiful nieces!”
I took Skye as Stella wrapped Hailey up in a tight hug.
“Hi, Aunt Stella,” Hailey said, grinning as she returned the embrace.
I balanced the baby along my forearm, the movement completely familiar and comforting. Glancing at my daughter, I was amazedshe’d been the same size once. Happiness spread through me at the baby’s warm weight. Skye had a mop of straight, medium-brown hair and dark eyes.
With my other arm, I pulled April tight against my side. “Stel, I’d like you to meet April. About time you came home so I could introduce you two.”
The two women shook hands, but Stella refused to be baited. “Very nice to meet you, April.” Then she turned to me. “And get that scowl off your face. You should be happy to see me, not all grouchy.”
My frown deepened. “Why does everyone think I’m grouchy?”
April and Stella burst into laughter simultaneously.
“I know, right?” April said, getting hold of herself.
Stella patted my shoulder. “I might just have to come home more often. Things are picking up a lot around the old homestead.”
“Good,” I replied. “You should come home more often.”
“I’m going to talk to Evan now. He’s much nicer than you.” Stella pointed a finger at me as she turned her attention back to April. “Keep this guy in line. He’s all ferocious on the outside, but he’s a creampuff once he knows who’s boss.”
April continued to laugh as I closed my eyes. “Stella, go away.”
My sister whisked her hand around Hailey’s elbow. “Come on, niece number one. Let’s catch up with Uncle Evan.” The two strolled off arm in arm. Skye mewed, so I tipped her up against my shoulder and rubbed her back.
When I turned back to April, she was watching me with a private smile on her face.
“What’s that look about?”
She stepped closer and brushed a finger down Skye’s cheek. “You’re a real natural at this baby thing.”
I shrugged. “I’m the only other person here besides Dad who’s had a kid until now. I sure hope I know what I’m doing. You want to hold her?”
April nodded and took her, settling the baby in her arms. As she did, a deep, powerful warmth settled into my gut. I immediatelysearched out Hailey, confirming she was safe. This was my family today. Who knew what the future might bring?
Half an hour later, I stood on the back porch, nursing a Conch Republic beer. The kitchen door opened, and Wyatt grabbed a bottle of beer from a cooler sitting on the flagstone floor. He crossed the patio to lean on the railing next to me, tipping the bottle up to his mouth. A strong easterly breeze had picked up, and it wasn’t forecasted to let up any time soon. Which meant I’d need to bide my time. I needed a calm, perfect tropical day for what I had in mind.
I turned to my brother-in-law. “Congratulations. Your life’s about to completely change.”
I expected him to smile, but Wyatt remained straight-faced as he stared at the horizon. “That’s for sure. Maia made it through the birth without a hitch. I was so relieved I couldn’t stop crying.”
I knew well enough how becoming a father put things in perspective. “Maia is as strong as they come. You two will make great parents.”
“Thanks.” Then he paused, darting his eyes to mine before returning them to the water. “How do you deal with the fear, Gabe? That something could go horribly wrong?”
I followed his gaze, staring out at an ocean that had torn my family apart. But it had brought us partially back together again too. “By acknowledging that you can’t always control what happens. And mostly, by appreciating every single day you get to spend with her. Every one is a miracle.”
Wyatt smiled. “Are we talking about daughters or women?”