Page 83 of Visions of You

“I know, honey.”

I wiped my cheek. “I’ve been fooling myself for a while now. I only realized that the last couple of days. Physically… I’ve never felt like this. Gabe brings out a confidence in me that’s completely new. I thought it was because of our strict boundaries.”

“But it’s not?”

I took a drink of beer. “No. It’s because I love him. Because I feelsafewith him. Safe enough to let my walls come down. Now look at me.”

What are you going to do?”

I propped my elbow on the table and rested my chin in my palm. “Hell if I know. I can’t exactly complain. This is why we have the pact. If I can’t handle this, I’m going to have to find a new job. Leave Calypso Key.”

Liv’s eyes grew round. “Well, at least hear his side of thingsbefore you make any drastic moves. Maybe take a step back while you’re at it. That might bring some perspective.”

“That sounds like good advice. Thanks, Liv.” I smiled and made an effort to be positive. “Enough about my life. How are things with you? No more disastrous dates, I hope.”

“No dates period. The bakery is taking a lot of my time. I hired a kid to help me, but so far she seems more interested in scrolling on her phone than working. I bought the equipment second-hand, and it’s finicky. So is the building. I’ve had a repairman out twice in the last couple of weeks to fix the oven.”

I smiled. “Love in the bakery with the repair guy?”

Liv laughed. “Hardly. He’s a little old and a little married for my taste. The only guy I’ve noticed is my mystery man.”

“That sounds interesting! Tell me more.”

“Oh, there’s this sweet guy who comes into the store at least once a week. He’s shy and always has a smile. I just think he’s cute.”

“You don’t know any more about him?”

“No. I enjoy making up stories about who he is. He kind of looks like a lumberjack, so I imagine him chopping wood and sawing down trees.”

We both laughed and I was grateful to find my mood lightened. “Well, let me know if you need me to go on a recon mission. Maybe I can figure out who your lumberjack is.”

“He’s not even my type! I like my men neat and clean, not with a bushy beard. But he has the most beautiful eyes.”

Like a switch being thrown, the misty rain started falling in a heavy sheet, drumming on the metal roof above us and obscuring everything past the bluff.

The bluff that led to Driftwood Beach, where Gabe and I had watched that movie on our first date.

Then left before it ended because we were so hot for each other.

Liv glanced out the open window, wincing at the deluge. “Oh, wow. Look at that. We probably ought to get out of here now.”

I nodded and scooted out of the booth. “Yeah. Night’s going tocome fast now. I’ll let you know what happens with Gabe. Thanks for listening.”

With a heavy heart, I ran to my car, holding my purse over my head to ward off the worst of the deluge. I started the engine as my mind tortured me with images from two nights ago. Images of falling asleep in Gabe’s arms, warm and secure. Then waking up later and leaving—even though it was the last thing I’d wanted to do. But I had because it was important to him.

Rain drummed against the windshield as I drove home. Back to my apartment.


Chapter Thirty


I staredat my phone as I leaned against the wall outside the boardroom. Our business office was on the twenty-fifth floor of the Miami building, and I had been camped out here since arriving the previous afternoon. After my arrival, Jake and I had negotiated my final severance package. A faint smile crossed my face as another vision eclipsed what I’d been staring at on my phone—the memory of Jake’s sweaty forehead during our back and forth yesterday. There was a reason he’d been the schmoozer and I’d been the negotiator in our partnership.

Unraveling my half of the company hadn’t been easy or quick, but I was pleased with the end result. My only escape from the boardroom had been crashing for the night at a nearby hotel, where I’d fallen into bed, exhausted after the drive and negotiation. We’d been back first thing this morning to hammer out the final details and draw up the contract.

“Hi there, Gabe. Nice to see you again.”