Page 68 of Visions of You

I smiled. “My little sister, the relationship expert. I don’t see any reason things should change between me and April. And I don’t believe in going looking for trouble. Things are great right now, and I’m not about to risk that.”

After tossing the sheet over the crib again, I draped an arm across Maia’s shoulder and steered her toward the double doors. “Let’s get back to work, mama. You need to get ready for the snorkel trip when they get back from theBenson.”

I twitched the side of my mouth, still finding it hard to believe my baby sister was about to become a mother. But I was very pleased she was more at ease about the prospect. I knew from experience those early weeks could be very overwhelming. But at least Maia and Wyatt would have all the help they could want.

Probably more than they want.

My faint smile became a full grin as we emerged into the sunshine. We headed down the hill, ready to face the rest of the day.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I folded forwardand relaxed onto Gabe’s chest, both of us breathing heavily. We were in his bed and Hailey was sound asleep in her room. His room was darker than mine, though by now I could recognize every inch of his body by touch alone.

Still, I didn’t mind looking at him either.

I traced my fingers down his pec, smoothing the hair and enjoying the feel of his sweaty skin. Encircling his arms around me, Gabe held me tight. I closed my eyes. Under my ear, his heart slowed to its usual steady thud, and my body relaxed against him.

Then I blinked my eyes open. I needed to stay awake, as tempting as it was to fall asleep like this.

That was part of the pact. No overnights while Hailey was in the cottage.

Nearly two weeks had passed since I’d talked to Maia about her impending motherhood. Tonight, I’d had dinner at the Big House. I’d been nervous about it, but instead of a formal affair with a disapproving family, we’d eaten at the kitchen table where I’d had lunchpreviously. Everyone was at ease and joking, and I felt right at home.

“Thanks for inviting me to dinner,” I murmured.

“I should have done it sooner. I swear time slips—you plan to do something, then look up and a month has passed. Nona let me know in no uncertain terms I was slacking.”

I laughed quietly. “Your grandmother is a hoot.”

He smiled. “She’s not boring, that’s for sure. And she’s as much a mother to us as a grandmother.”

“I’ve noticed she always calls you by your full name, never Gabe.”

“Yeah, unless she’s mad. Then it’s my first and middle ones.”

“Gabriel Michael,” I said, remembering her words when Gabe had invaded the kitchen sweaty after his run. “You have the archangels covered, don’t you?”

He smiled. “Guess my parents thought I might have need of some serious protection.”

“Or they were covering their bases.”

He tickled my side, making me squirm as I laughed. Then I sighed. “I’d better get going. I’m leading the advanced group on theBensontomorrow. I’m excited, but I want to get a good night’s sleep.”

Gabe squeezed his arms tighter around me, making it hard for me to breathe. When he let go, I patted his chest as I sat up. I redressed as he got out of the opposite side and pulled on a pair of shorts. We stepped out his front door and he cupped my face in his hands, tilting my chin up. A soft warmth spread through me as he pressed a feathery kiss against my lips.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered.

I nodded. “Good night.”

A blanket of stars covered the sky as I strolled down the hill, and the warm air caressed my skin. An expanse of meadow separated the cottages from the Barn, but it wasn’t a long walk. As I turned onto the short path leading to my apartment, I glanced back.

Gabe hadn’t moved, watching as I walked home.

I raised my arm and waved. He returned the gesture but still didn’t move. He wouldn’t until I was through my front door. We went through this every time. He didn’t like to leave Hailey alone in the cottage, but he made sure I made it back to my apartment safely.

A smile raised my lips as I opened the front door. “Gabriel Markham, you might like to hide behind that growly exterior, but I’m on to you now.”