“Beautiful morning,” I replied as I strolled over. I had a momentary flashback to my encounter with Hot Grumpy Guy but pushedit away. I probably wouldn’t even see him again. A beautiful black-and-white cat lay on the floor next to the counter. He rose and sauntered over to me, rubbing against my legs as I crouched to pet his head.
“That’s Santiago,” Maia said. “He’s our shop kitty.”
I smiled. “Every dive shop needs one. He looks like a sweetie.” After one final scratch, I stood and stopped before the counter.
The man next to Maia straightened and I recognized the general manager from his picture I’d seen yesterday. He was lighter-complected than Maia, with light-brown hair and hazel eyes, coupled with a sturdy, tall frame.
He reached out his hand and gave me a friendly smile. “Hi. I’m Evan. We’re glad to have you on board.”
I shook and his hand was warm, his shake firm but not overbearing. His eyes were soft, and he immediately put me at ease. “Nice to meet you, Evan. I’m excited to be here.”
“So are we. The divemaster who’s been filling in got another position, so yesterday was his last day. We’ll just have you tag along and get the lay of the land today.”
Maia tapped the paper on the clipboard. “We were just checking the schedule. Wyatt’s got the smaller group today, so why don’t you join him? He can go over procedures and how we do things.”
“That sounds perfect. I met him just now.”
Maia’s face exploded into a giant smile, and I broke into laughter.
Evan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, don’t get the two lovebirds started. It’s embarrassing being around them.”
“Oh shut up,” Maia said and elbowed him. “You only notice because we all spend so much time together.”
I knew Maia was from a large family but didn’t know all the particulars. “You both live here on the island?”
Evan nodded. “Maia and Wyatt are in one of the family cottages up on the bluff. I live in the Big House with Dad and our grandmother, Nona.”
“Dad’s mother,” Maia added.
“You have other siblings, though, don’t you?”
Maia nodded. “Our sister Stella lives in Key West. And our brother Gabe just moved back here with his daughter Hailey. I’m sure you’ll meet them soon.”
Evan smirked. “As long as he’s not cooped up somewhere else.”
Maia shot him a dirty look but didn’t elaborate. She turned back to me. “Gabe left a successful real-estate career to raise Hailey here. Dad wants to step away from some of the business responsibilities and Gabe’s going to take over for him.”
“Wow,” I said, picturing a slightly different version of the pair before me. Gabe sounded like a dedicated family man, and I could picture him with Evan’s warm, empathetic nature. “You guys have quite the family business. I’m sure your brother will be as successful as the two of you have been.”
“He’s not off to the best start,” Evan muttered and stifled a laugh. Then he straightened abruptly as Maia made a sudden movement with her lower leg. I was pretty sure she kicked him.
If they didn’t want to elaborate, I wasn’t going to push. Instead, I mentally counted on my fingers. “Wait. Didn’t you tell me you had three brothers, Maia?”
The two siblings stiffened, and the smiles fell off their faces. Maia swallowed and gave Evan a quick side-eye. “Yeah, but Hunter doesn’t live here. He works in private security in South Beach.”
“I need to head to the lobby and check over arrivals and departures for today,” Evan said, but his voice was tight. He gave me a quick smile. “Welcome aboard, April. See you later.”
I watched him move toward the door. He walked with a slight limp, but it didn’t seem to slow him down any.
I turned back to my friend, wondering about the sudden change in atmosphere. “Sorry. Did I say something wrong?”
Maia sighed and waved a hand absently. “No, you’re fine. Evan and Hunter don’t get along. It’s kind of a sore subject.”
“Oh. I won’t bring it up again.”
She shook her head and smiled as she walked around the counter. “Enough family drama! It’s a beautiful day. Let’s get ready to dive, or snorkel in my case.”
She put an arm around my shoulders, which was easy since she was several inches taller, and we moved across the tile floor. I glanced at her slightly bulging abdomen. “Do you miss diving?”