Page 74 of Black Wave

We enter the gala, which is busy with patrons begging to display their wealth and social status in the community. It’s the same with all the galas. Even though this is for a good cause, they still have to be wined and dined before contributing to the community or overpaying for a silent auction item bid.

I know many people from the gym, my club, and other non-legal endeavors are here. There are a surprising number of politicians from the local area as well. They use the opportunity to network as much as possible.

I mingle, and I introduce Emma as my fiancée. She is engaging and charismatic. I hate that she gets the attention of men, and I certainly don’t want her getting the attention of some of the men I see here tonight.

I receive a message from Philip saying he needed to check something suspicious, and my heart accelerates as I look around for Eli. I spot him, and he is watching us. I tip my head to the side in Emma’s direction, and he nods. I want her watched now more than ever.

I see Emma looking around, no doubt to find Liv. We haven’t seen her or Dax, but I am sure they must mingle and play the part just as much, since this is Dax’s mother’s charity.

We hear someone take the mic and see Dax’s mother, Isabella, attempting to get everyone’s attention. We go to our table as other people do the same thing. Just as we walk to the table, we see Liv and Dax approach from the opposite direction. Liv hurries over to Emma and hugs her.

“Geez, Liv, you’d think I didn’t see you a few hours ago.” She laughs, separating herself and taking a seat next to me.

I shake Dax’s hand as he takes his place next to Liv. We all settle into our assigned seats, and soon, dinner is served. The silent auction follows, and we bid on a bougie charcuterie basket with a bottle of Emma’s favorite wine, Caymus. When Liv’s phone rings, Emma tells me she must go to the bathroom before her bladder bursts. Emma is scrutinizing Liv saying something to Dax. Liv looks at her phone, answering it as she walks off. Emma follows her, telling me she'll be right back. I send a message to Eli to let him know Emma is on the move. He makes eye contact with me and walks over to her as she disappears around the corner, following Liv. Dax is frowning and shaking his head, looking in the direction Liv went.



“I’ll be right there, Liv.” I head into the bathroom and quickly relieve my bladder from the extension and stretch of too much water and wine with dinner. I rush back out, looking for Liv. She looked so upset, and I know that whoever called her had terrible news. I thought I heard her say Melissa, Brodie’s nurse, so that can only mean that it has to do with Brodie once again.

I am pondering all the things that could have gone wrong when I run straight into a man. I step away, muttering my apologies, and he says it's not a problem when I look up and stare into the eyes that have brought me so much agony. Eyes like his psycho son.

“Mr. Martinez,” I gasp, and his eyes narrow, quickly scanning the area. He doesn’t have time to act because I rush out the door searching for Liv, heading toward an outside door. I see him walk toward me as I push past it, and he hesitates. I can’t worry about that. Eduardo and Eli are here somewhere; I’m safe. For once, that is the furthest thing from my mind because I can only concentrate on getting to my friend. The look on her face as she left the table concerned me.

I spot her and then see Liv drop the phone and slump to the floor.

“Liv!” I shout at her, but she doesn’t respond. She doesn't even look my way.

I pick up the phone and hear Melissa crying from the other end of the line. Melissa replays the story about Brodie being rushed to the hospital on the brink of death.

“Oh god, no.” I throw my head back, and the tears come to my eyes. I hang up and drop down to Liv, trying to shake her. She isn’t listening. It is as if she has checked out of her body and completely shut down. After all the girl has gone through with the Brodie situation, I would, too. Why did this have to happen when things are starting to go so well?

Dax flies through the door along with Eli. I give him all the information. Dax moves, picking up Liv, and I follow them outside with Eli on my tail when a black SUV pulls around the corner. Eduardo jumps out, scanning me for any injuries. I shake my head at him, but I can’t stop the look he gives me, as if he knows what happened before Liv fell onto the ground. We all drive to the hospital that Brodie was taken to not long ago.

The next few hours are the worst with how history is repeating itself, except this time, it is the end. The doctor comes in and gives us the news. Brodie didn't survive the infection that wreaked havoc on his system. Just like that, another life was lost.

I see a broken person in Liv. Broken attracts broken. I understand her and her damaged parts that are so similar to mine. Misery loves company and all that, and boy, have we both had our fair share of it. Just when they had rekindled their friendship, Brodie was no longer depressed and angry. When he began accepting his disability, this happened. It's ironic how life is sometimes. Just when you think things are better, the other shoe drops and kicks you in your ass. Eduardo holds onto me aswe sit by Liv. My hand is on her shoulder as she sobs into Dax’s chest.

We step out of the SUV to hear thunder cracking across the sky. It is fitting that there should be a storm approaching. It’s as if the angels are weeping along with us. I am devastated for Liv. With her pregnancy, I worry about all the stress she is under. She is a shell of her former self. The priest talks about the Kingdom of God, a long speech about His son returning to be united with Him. There are a lot of people here who made the trip. I know it makes the family happy to see that their son was so well-liked by many people. He had an impact on all our lives at one point or another.

I walk to the car and see Liv alone after everyone has left, still holding on to her single rose. It’s as if she doesn’t want to throw it in the grave because that will be it.

The final good-bye.

She releases it, and my lips part as I see the agony on her face. She looks up at the sky as if she is talking to God. I am wracked with sobs, watching and not being able to help her. As much as I claim to want to take back my life, I haven’t. Liv has faced all the obstacles thrown at her. I am afraid that this is all too much. I can’t seem even to help my friend as she goes through the loss of Brodie. I haven’t even told Eduardo about seeing Julian's father, Mr. Martinez, at the gala. There just hasn’t been the right time, or at least that’s what I tell myself. The truth is, I’m numb. I don’t care.

I see Dax pick up Liv and bring her toward the car as Eduardo goes around the side to open the door for him. I witness Dax rubbing a circle with his thumb around the top of her hand,and I look away, feeling as if I am invading a private moment. I look out the window as the rain slides down against it, finding it ironic as it mimics my tears on my cheek.

We get home, and I drop my bag on the foyer table, exhausted from today’s events. I kick my shoes off as I fall onto the couch. I sit there cradling my head in my hands. Eduardo comes over and starts to rub my back.

“Baby? Do you want a drink?”

I nod as he saunters over to the bar and pours us both a couple of fingers of an amber liquid. I don’t ask questions, but take it as he places it into my hands while taking a seat beside me. I sit back, and he picks my feet up, placing them in his lap, and then begins rubbing them, causing me to release a moan. He stares at me, assessing the likelihood of a complete breakdown as I down the whiskey in one long pull. He takes the glass from me and places both of them on the table next to the sofa. He pulls me onto his lap, and I curl into his body as I sob.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not. I feel so bad for Liv. I couldn’t help my family, I couldn’t help Liv, and I certainly can’t help myself.” I ugly cry into Eduardo’s chest as I pull at his shirt, wiping my tears and snot away.