Eduardo comes over to me and hugs me from behind, bringing me into him. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my neck. I sigh in contentment. How often did I wish he was with me when I was alone in the house after my parents died? I look back at him and see him looking out through the trees.
“What are you thinking about?”
He looks at me and waits before saying what he is thinking. The breeze blows my hair back a little, and I shiver despite it being warm for this time of year.
“I’m thinking maybe before we leave here, we can take the truck, lay in the bed like we used to, and look up at the stars.” He smiles at me, and I swoon seeing the dimple pop just a little, reminding me of the innocent boy from my childhood.
“That sounds so romantic.” I feel him nod.
“Yes, and then I can do all the naughty things my pubescent body wanted to do to you back then.” He pulls away before I can smack him. “You are such a mood killer.”
He laughs and starts to remove his clothes. “Eduardo? What are you doing?” my voice raises a few octaves. “We are at my uncle's house and it’s daytime. Everyone is walking around.”
He rifles through his bag. “Um, I’m getting some new clothes to shower the airport off my body?”
My face flushes. “Oh, yeah, that’s a good idea.” I go to grab a new outfit from my closet.
“Are you joining me?” He stops at the door. I can tell he wants to laugh.
“Go!'' I point at the door as he chuckles, closing the door behind him. I hear the sound of voices carrying through the courtyard, some of them familiar. I jump off the bed and head downstairs to see the rest of my family.
Ileave the shower and enter an empty room, absent my fiancée. Her scent still lingers, and I inhale deeply. I wasn’t kidding about taking her to look at the stars like we did when we were younger, lying in the back of the pickup truck. I was inexperienced, and Emma was too young. Now, none of that is true, and I can’t wait to do all the things we should have done together.
I see my erection start to tent the towel that is still wrapped around my waist. Even just thinking about her makes me hard. I’m going to need another cold shower if I continue to think about her. I dress quickly, throw my bag into her closet, and venture out looking for Emma. I head downstairs, following the sound of a party gathering in the courtyard.
I don’t have to go far when I hear her laugh echoing through the inner patio. Her voice carries on the dusty air. Before I can seek out Emma, I see Andrés leaving his office. He looks behind me to see if Emma is around.
“Eduardo, before you go out there, I’d like a word with you.” He holds the door open, and I walk into his office, which is full of Emma’s family and some members of his security team. I alsonoticed that this isn’t a request but an order, and I hate how he throws that in my face.
It is a bit intimidating being at the mercy of Emma’s family without anyone here to have my back, but I know they won’t do anything to me. They want to be sure Julian is taken care of as much as I do, and lucky for them, I am the man to get the job done. Besides, it would be poor form to take me out here. They know I love Emma fiercely and will not rest until she is safe and Julian is found. We have history. Our families have a history. Andrés sits behind his desk and motions for me to sit next to Adrian as the rest of his men stand around.
“Do you want a drink?” He already poured me one, or maybe it was for himself, but I don’t ask.
“Please.” I extend my hand and he nods. He advances toward me, handing me the drink, and I thank him for it. He sits in the chair behind his desk, and I wait to hear what he has to say. I can feel them all staring at me, but my focus remains on Andrés.
He clears his throat. “It has come to my attention that one of your girlfriends may be helping Julian to track down and spy on Emma?” I don’t miss the tick in his jaw. I stare at him and wait for him to finish. “Explain.”
This line of questioning makes my heart speed with anger. I have to control my breathing to remain calm because of this motherfucker. To say that Cherry was my girlfriend and make it seem like I have multiple girlfriends, or worse, insinuating that I am cheating on Emma, is ridiculous.
“First, just to clarify, Cherry was a waitress at my club. She was never my girlfriend. She may have wanted a relationship, but I never gave her that impression. Her boyfriend came into my club and caused an upset with the staff. He caused a fight and had to be thrown out. When I found out that Cherry was the cause of it, announcing to her boyfriend that she loved me and chose me, I set her straight and fired her with pay to leavethe premises.” I take a drink and down the contents of my glass, letting the alcohol soothe the anger spreading across my face.
“I was never with that girl after, nor have I seen her. I reconnected with Emma and have been with her every day after that day. I am engaged to her. I love her and will protect her until my dying day.” I look at Andrés and Adrian as I say this so that they understand that I am not playing around nor entertaining any other women in my life.
I go on to tell them what happened with Emma at the boutique in uptown Houston, as well as my suspicions that Cherry may be helping Julian with gaining information.
“Cherry wasn’t wealthy but has recently come into some money. She has a fancy apartment and dresses in designer clothes. She went from begging for a shift to not working? Something is fishy, but what concerns me is that she mentioned to Emma that she, and I quote, didn’t see what‘they’saw in her.”
Andrés sits up in his chair and looks over to Sergio who is already on the phone. “Do you have the address of this place?”
I nod and write it on a piece of paper for him. He looks at it and hands it over to Sergio.
“Another thing.” I pause, and Adrian sits up and leans over to me. I’m glaring already, and I haven't even said anything. “I’d like to keep this between us, but as you know, Philip is a good friend and was Emma’s security detail.”
Adrian snorts. “So you killed him. Yeah, some friend.”